1.규칙적인 변화


과거형, 과거분사형이 같고 끝이 ‘-d’로 끝나는 것. [A B B]


원형 과거형 과거분사형

lay (눕히다, 놓다, 낳다) laid laid

pay (지불하다) paid paid

say (말하다) said said

flee (도망치다) fled fled

hold (붙들다, 유지하다, 개최하다) held held

lead (인도하다, 살아가다) led led

sell (팔다) sold sold

tell (말하다, 알리다, 구별하다) told told

hear (듣다) heard heard

make (만들다) made made


'과거형,과거분사형이 같고 끝이 ’-t로 끝나는 것. [A B B]


원형 과거형 과거분사형 bend (굽히다, 구부리다) bent bent

bring (가져오다) brought brought

build (건축하다) built built

burn (타다, 태우다) burnt burnt

buy (사다) bought bought


catch (잡다) caught caught

creep (기다) crept crept

dream (꿈꾸다) dreamed dreamed

feel (느끼다) felt felt

learn (배우다) learned learned

leave (떠나다, 남기다, 맡기다,) left left

lend (빌려주다) lent lent

mean (의미하다) meant meant

seek (찾다, 추구하다) sought sought

send (보내다) sent sent

sleep (잠자다) slept slept

smell (냄새 맡다, 냄새가 나다) smelt smelt

spend (소비하다) spent spent

sweep (청소하다, 휩쓸다) swept swept

teach (가르치다) taught taught

think (생각하다) thought thought

keep (유지하다) kept kept

kneel (무릎 꿇다) knelt knelt

weep (울다) wept wept


과거‘-ed’를 붙이고, ‘과거분사‘-n’또는 ‘-en'을 붙이는 것. [A B C]


원형 과거형 과거분사형

show (보여주다) showed shown

sow (씨 뿌리다) sowed sown (or sowed)

swell (부풀다) swelled swollen (or swelled)


원형, 과거형, 과거분사형이 모두 같은 것. [A A A]. 보통 모두 ‘-t'또는 '-d'로 끝난다.



원형 과거형 과거분사형

beat (치다, 뛰다, 이기다) beat beat

cast (던지다, 주조하다, 배역하다) cast cast

cost (요하다, 들다) cost cost

cut (베다) cut cut

hit (치다, 때리다) hit hit

hurt (다치다, 다치게 하다) hurt hurt

let (시키다) let let

put (놓다) put put

set (갖춰놓다, 배치하다) set set

shut (닫다) shut shut


과거형과거분사형이 같고, 모음만 변하는 것. [A B B]


원형 과거형 과거분사형

bind (묶다) bound bound

fight (싸우다) fought fought

find (알다, 발견하다) found found

get (얻다) got gotten (or got)

hang (걸다) hung hung

hold (붙들다, 유지하다, 개최하다) held held

lead (인도하다, 살아가다) led led

meet (만나다) met met

shine (빛나다) shone shone

sit (앉다) sat sat

shoot (쏘다, 촬영하다) shot shot

strike (치다, 충돌하다, 생각나다) struck struck (or stricken)

swing (흔들다, 흔들리다) swung (or swang) swung

wake (잠이 깨다) woke woke (or woken)

win (이기다, 이겨서 얻다) won won

ride (타다) rode rode

read (읽다) read[red] read[red]


'과거형'만 모음이 변화하고, ‘원형과거분사형이 같은 것. [A B A]


원형 과거형 과거분사형


come (오다) came come

run (달리다, 경영하다) ran run


'원형, 과거형, 과거분사형이 각각 다른 모음을 가지는 것. [A B C]


원형 과거형 과거분사형

begin (시작하다) began begun

drink (마시다) drank drunk (or drunken)

sing (노래하다) sang sung

sink (가라앉다) sank sunk (or sunken)

swim (수영하다) swam swum

ring (울리다) rang rung


'모음의 변화가 있고, ’과거분사’-n'으로 끝나는 것. [A B C]


원형 과거형 과거분사형

blow (불다) blew blown

grow (자라다, 기르다, ~하게되다) grew grown

know (알다) knew known

throw (던지다) threw thrown

draw (그리다, 당기다) drew drawn

bear (낳다, 견디다, 열매를 맺다) bore born

bite (물다) bit bitten

choose (고르다) chose chosen

drive (몰다, 운전하다) drove driven

eat (먹다) ate eaten

fall (떨어지다) fell fallen

fly (날다) flew flown

forget (잊다) forgot forgotten

freeze (얼다) froze frozen

give (주다) gave given

hide (숨다) hid hidden

rise (오르다, 치솟다) rose risen

steal (훔치다) stole stolen

write (쓰다, 기록하다) wrote written

break (깨뜨리다) broke broken

speak (말하다) spoke spoken

shake (흔들다) shook shaken

take (잡다) took taken

lie (눕다) lay lain

lie (거짓말하다) lied lied

lay (눕히다, 놓다, 낳다) laid laid

do (하다) did done

go (가다) went gone


접두사가 붙는 동사는 원래의 동사의 활용에 준하며 그 동사와

똑같이 활용시킨다.


원형 과거형 과거분사형

give (주다) gave given

forgive (용서하다) forgave forgiven


stand (일어나다) stood stood

understand (이해하다) understood understood



take (잡다) took taken

mistake (실수하다) mistook mistaken


come (오다) came come

become (되다) became become



get (얻다) got gotten

forget (잊다) forgot forgotten



2.불규칙적인 변화


현재형 과거형 과거분사형

arise (일어나다, 발생하다) arose arisen

awake (깨어나다) awoke awoke (or awaked)

be (am, are, is) was, were been

(~이다, 있다, 되다)

bear (낳다, 견디다, 열매를 맺다) bore born

beat (치다, 뛰다, 이기다) beat beaten (or beat)

become (~이 되다) became become

begin (시작하다) began begun

bend (굽히다, 구부리다) bent bent

bet (내기 걸다, 장담하다) bet bet

bind (묶다) bound bound

bite (물다) bit bitten (or bit)

bless (축복하다) blessed (or blest) blessed (or blest)

blow (불다) blew blown

break (깨뜨리다, 부수다) broke broken

bring (가져오다) brought brought

broadcast (방송하다) broadcast broadcast

build (짓다, 건축하다) built built

burst (터지다, 폭발하다) burst burst

burn (타다, 태우다) burnt (or burned) burnt (or burned)

buy (사다) bought bought


can (할 수 있다) could

cast (던지다, 주조하다, 배역하다) cast cast

catch (잡다) caught caught

choose (고르다, 선택하다) chose chosen

come (오다) came come

cost (요하다, 들다) cost cost

creep (기다) crept crept

cut (베다, 자르다) cut cut

deal (나누어 주다, 다루다) dealt dealt

dig (파다) dug dug

do (하다) did done

draw (그리다, 당기다) drew drawn

dream (꿈꾸다) dreamed (or dreamt) dreamed (or dreamt)

drink (마시다) drank drunk

drive (몰다, 운전하다) drove driven

eat (먹다) ate eaten

fall (떨어지다) fell fallen

feed (먹이를 주다, 먹이를 먹다) fed fed

feel (느끼다) felt felt

fight (싸우다) fought fought

find (발견하다, 알다) found found

fly (날다) flew flown

forbid (금지하다) forbade forbidden

forget (잊다) forgot forgotten

forgive (용서하다) forgave forgiven

freeze (얼다) froze frozen

get (얻다) got got (or gotten)

give (주다) gave given

go (가다) went gone

grow (자라다, 기르다, ~하게되다) grew grown

hang (목을 매다) hanged hanged

hang (걸다) hung hung

have, has (가지고 있다) had had

hear (듣다) heard heard

hide (숨다) hid hidden

hold (붙들다, 유지하다, 개최하다) held held

hurt (다치다, 다치게 하다) hurt hurt

keep (유지하다, 간직하다) kept kept

kneel (무릎을 꿇다) knelt knelt

know (알다) knew known

lay (눕히다, 놓다, 낳다) laid laid

lead (인도하다, 살아가다) led led

learn (배우다) learned (or learnt) learned (or learnt)

leave (떠나다, 남기다, 맡기다) left left

lend (빌려주다) lent lent

let (~하게 시키다) let let

lie (눕다) lay lain

light (켜지다, 불을 붙이다) lit lit

lose (잃다, 지다) lost lost

make (만들다) made made

may (~해도 좋다) might

mean (의미하다) meant meant

meet (만나다) met met

mistake (실수하다) mistook mistaken

pass (지나가다) passed passed (or past)

pay (지불하다) paid paid

put (놓다) put put

read (읽다) read[red] read[red]

ride (탈 것을 타다) rode ridden

ring (울리다) rang rung

rise (오르다, 치솟다) rose risen

run (달리다, 경영하다) ran run

say (말하다) said said

see (보다, 이해하다, 배웅하다) saw seen

seek (찾다, 추구하다) sought sought

sell (팔다) sold sold

send (보내다) sent sent

set (갖춰놓다, 배치하다) set set

sew (바느질하다) sewed sewn, (or sewed)

shake (흔들다, 떨리다, 흔들리다) shook shaken

shall (~하기로 되어 있다) should

shine (빛나다) shone shone

shoot (쏘다, 촬영하다) shot shot

show (보여주다) showed shown (or showed)

shrink (줄다, 줄어들다) shrank shrunk

shrunk shrunken

shut (닫다) shut shut

sing (노래하다) sang sung

sink (가라앉다) sank sunk (or sunken)

sit (앉다) sat sat

sleep (잠자다) slept slept

slide (미끄러지다) slid slid

smell (냄새가 나다, 냄새 맡다) smelt smelt

sow (씨를 뿌리다) sowed sowed

speak (말하다) spoke spoken

spend (소비하다) spent spent

spin (실을 잣다, 돌리다) spun spun

spit (침을 뱉다) spat spat

spill (엎지르다) spilt spilt

spread (펴다, 퍼지다) spread spread

spring (튀다, 튀어 오르다) sprang sprung

stand (일어서다) stood stood

steal (훔치다) stole stolen

stick (찌르다, 내밀다, 고착시키다) stuck stuck

sting (찌르다, 침으로 쏘다) stung stung

stink (악취를 풍기다) stank stunk

strike (치다, 충돌하다, 생각나다) struck struck (or stricken)

swear (맹세하다) swore sworn

sweep (청소하다, 휩쓸다) swept swept

swim (수영하다) swam swum

swing (흔들다, 흔들리다) swung (or swang) swung

take (잡다) took taken

teach (가르치다) taught taught

tear (찢다) tore torn

tell (말하다, 알리다, 구별하다) told told

think (생각하다) thought thought

throw (던지다) threw thrown

understand (이해하다) understood understood

wake (잠이깨다, 깨우다) woke woken

wear (착용하다, 닭아 떨어지다) wore worn

weep (울다) wept wept

will (~일 것이다) would

win (이기다, 이겨서 얻다) won won

write(쓰다, 기록하다) wrote written

upset=disorganize 망치다

inundate=deluge 범람하다

steal away:몰래 떠나다

out of the question=impossible:불가능한

look into:조사하다=go over, investigate, inspect, scrutinize

take in:속이다/묵게v, 안내v, 이해v

=deceive, pretend, let on,bluff, swindle(out of sh) 속이다

take into account:~을 고려하다

get over:극복하다=recover from, surmount, pull through

make up for=compensate for, atone for:보충하다

turn up=show up, appear

turn over:뒤집다=capsize, flip

write off:가치를 줄이다

call off=cancel

call for=require

make up:구성하다=constitute, consist of

draw up:작성하다=draft

draw on:(자료로)이용하다, (공급품에)의지하다

drop in:우연히 방문하다

pull through:극복하다= get over, surmount, recover from

too hard to read=illegible:읽기 어려운

at odd:의견이 일치하지 않는

at odds with: 사이가 나쁜 = at variance with

try out: 시험하다

keep an eye on: 지키다, 경계v

=watch closely, keep close tabs on

polish the apple:아부하다,아첨하다=play up to, flatter

hold good:유효하다

get around:(법등의)빠질 구멍을 찾아내다

put an end to: 끝내다=get through with

step down:사임하다

fool around:빈둥빈둥 시간을 낭비하다

sit in=participate in :참가하다

what a steal! :참 싸게 샀네요=buy st for a song

cost me a fortune, cost me an arm and a leg

under the black dog:우울한=melancholy, plaintive

on pins and needles:매우근심하는

use up:고갈시키다=deplete

through thick and thin:언제나

off color:안색이 나쁜

in a nutshell:간단히 말해서

get from :벗어나다= pull off, turn away


cut in: 끼어들다, 방해v

let alone:~은 말할것도 없이

=not to mention

catch on:이해v, 유행v,(적응v=adapt)

catch up on st: 만회v, 알아내다

poke your nose into:간섭하다

have a sweet tooth:단 것을 좋아하다

on the nail:즉시=off hand, out of hand

in so many words:분명히=plainly

cross out:줄을 그어 지우다

a piece of cake: 식은 죽 먹기=It's a cinch, just nothing

turn over a new leaf: 새롭게 시작하다

jack up=elevate: 올리다

in the neighborhood of


in a fix: 곤경에 처한=in a dilemma, put one's foot in it

tantamount=equivalent:동등한, commensurate

lose track of:~와 소식이 끊어지다

as luck would have it: 다행히, 우연히, 공교롭게(/)

lead on:꽤다, 유혹하다,~~으로 이끌다

concerns oneself with:관심을 갖다, 관여하다

incapacitate:무능력하게하다. 못하게하다=disabled

get across: ~을 이해시키다,~을 알게하다=convey(전달v)

look/see into:조사v=go over, investigate, inspect, scrutinize

as far as I am concerned:나로서는

as far as S be concerned : ~에 관한 한

maul:혹평하다=beat // haul : 수송하다

hold with:동의하다=concur


succinct=concise, laconical, brief = 간결한

sole: 유일한

grasp: 이해v, 붙잡다=clutch

boil down to : 요약하면~이다,~이 본질이다.

let up: 그치다, 중단하다= stop, halt, cease

stray: 길을 잃은= lose oneself

abide by: 고수하다

charge:~탓으로 v. 비난v, 책망v, 고소v, 가득 채우다

brag (about): 자랑하다=boast

let go of = release 놓다

make for: 향하여 가다 = head for

be acquainted with: ~을 잘 알고 있다=be informed about

across the board:대대적인, 전면적인, 일괄적인

to look quickly through=skim, run over

at the behest of: ~의 요청으로

behind schedule: 예정보다 늦게 = behind time

break down: 세분화되다=subdivide/ 고장나다=go hay-wire

cross one’s mind: 문득 떠오르다=occur to, strike

be equal to : 감당할 능력이 있다=be up to sb

draw forth:끌어내다=elicit

drive out: 추방하다=expel

every two years=biennial: 2년마다

suspend:일시적으로 중단하다

at that eleventh hour:마지막순간에

in profusion:풍부하게=abundantly, copiously, prolific

diverse=different: 다양한



in line with:의견이 일치하는

=see eye to eye, speak one's language

off hand:즉시=out of hand on hand : 수중에 있는

saw:속담,격언=maxim, proverb, saying, adage, aphorism

mark off:구별하다=tell~from~

coaxed:달콤한 말로 설득하다=cajole

indignation:분노,노여움=rage, resentment, wrath, anger


gloat:만족스럽게 응시하다

feasible:실행할수 있는

=practicable, visible, workable, applicable, viable

meager:부족한=scanty ample, adequate, sufficient 충분한

hold on:기다리다


mercurial:변덕스러운=quick-changing, fickle, capricious

compensation=redress 보상, 시정


offend 기분상하게하다 =displease

go broke: 파산하다=run out of maney

let me down: 실망시키다


germane=relevant 밀접한 관련이 있는

go by:의지하다=depand upon, turn to

get far=pay off:성공하다.


come down with:=contract 병에걸리다

constrict=contract, shrink 수축하다

late:최근의, (), 늦은

in return for:보답으로 ,답례로



for the life of me:아무리해도=scarcely, for the world

avert: 얼굴을 돌리다,비키다,피하다(=avoid, shun)

grow:재배하다,경작하다=raise=bring up,cultivate


stand, tolerance, endure, bear, put up with 참다,견디다

bite the bullet 고통을 견디다, Hang in there 견뎌라


tip off: 밀고하다

down and out:가난한,빈곤한 = destitute, impoverished

stand for:상징하다


pull up:멈추다

attend on: 시중들다.

catch up with:따라잡다=overtake

walks of life:신분,계층=occupations

out of one’s mind: 미친=insane

what is more:게다가,덧붙여=in addition

take up:시작v, 차지v=occupy, 배우다, 가담v

for nothing:공짜로

=gratis, gratuitously, on the house, complimentary

pay out:벌을 주다

belligerent:호전적인=warlike, pugnacious

pointless:무의미한,효과 없는=no account

robust 강한 = strong

at times:때때로=once in a while

have nothing to do with:관련이 없다

keep up with:따라잡다,보조를 맞추다

=keep abreast of

callous:무감각한,냉정한=unfeeling, nonchalant, phlegmatic

give in:굴복하다=surrender, succumb to, yield to

bring up:기르다,양육v,제기하다/ = raise, cultivate

come up with:제안하다=propose/ 생산하다=produce

drudgery:단조롭고 고된일

relinquish:포기하다=forsake, abandon, give up

come through:입수되다


come to:의식을 회복하다

put off:연기하다

get at:의도되다=imply

carry on=engage in:수행하다,종사하다


clean out:완전히 비우다

make up of:구성하다= consist of

do away with:폐지하다=abolish, eliminate, get rid of


get across:알게하다,이해시키다=convey(전달v)


escape:도망치다=get away, flee, decamp, abscond, elope

give out:발표하다=announce

give off:방출하다,내뿜다=emit, let off

run out of:~을 다써버리다

=finish the supply of

lay out:정리하다=arrange

respect:존경하다=look up to, revere

respectable존경할만한/respective:각각의/respectful 예의바른

leave out:배제하다=exclude from

lay by:저축하다=lay aside, put by, put aside

look over=examine=go over, investigate, inspect, scrutinize

get through with=finish 끝마치다=put an end to, wrap up

tie up=hinder:~을 정체시키다,방해하다



get a rain check:다음으로 미루다 defer, hold/put off,adjourn

make up:해결하다=settle/구성v, 화해v, 준비v, 결정v

the apple of the eye:아주소중한 것

run over(차가)~을 치다=knock down and pass over

all at sea=perplex:어쩔 줄 모르다

hand in:제출하다

hand out:분배하다

get somewhere: 성공하다


continue=get on with

get even with:복수v=repay, retaliate, get revenge, hit back

promiscuous:무차별한=indiscriminate, unselective, wholesale

rule out:배제하다,제거하다=reject

revere:존경하다=respect, look up to

pick on:괴롭히다=annoy, vex, pull one's leg

pull off : 벗어나다=turn away(외면v,거절v,해고v)

despotism=tyranny, oppressive rule :독재,전제정치,폭정

dispose of:처분하다,해치우다

hold back:억제v, 숨기다, 저지v

set off:착수v =set about

pick up:우연히 입수하다

gradually=little by little=bit by bit

bring about=introduce:~을 제기하다,초래하다=bring forth

show up= appear, turn up 나타나다

send for:~을 부르러 보내다

shed light on= account for, explain:설명하다

clear away:~을 치우다

take after:닮다

look after: 돌보다

put by:저축하다

take off :벗다


take on:~을 띠다=assume/ 맡다

take over:인수받다=succeed to

make do with:그럭저럭 살아가다=manage with

take a stand on : 분명한 입장을 취하다

soak up=absorb 흡수하다

A ---------------------------------


abruptly 갑자기, 돌연히(suddenly, sharply)

absurd 터무니없는(ridiculous, foolish)

acquiesce (in) 묵인하다 (agree to)

adjacent to ~에 인접한(touching, next to)

affect ~인 체하다, 가장하다(feign), 영향을미치다

aftermath 여파, 영향(resulting situation)

agreeable 유쾌한, 상냥한(congenial, friendly)

anticipate 예상하다(expect, foresee)

antiquated 구식의, 낡아빠진(behind the times, outworn)

astronomy 천문학

available 이용할 수 있는, 입수할 수 있는(obtainable, usable)

avert (, 얼굴 등을)돌리다, (위협 등을)피하다, 막다(turn aside, avoid)



B ---------------------------------


ban 금지하다(forbid, prohibit)

blithe 즐거운, 명랑한, 쾌활한(cheerful)

block 방해하다(obstruct)

blunder 큰실수(mistake)

boost 밀어올리다, 증가하다, 인상하다 (increase)

breakthrough 돌파구, 획기적인 진전, 발견 (most significant advances, an important discovery)

brevity 간결함(succinctness)

brochure 소책자(pamphlet)


C ---------------------------------


candid 솔직한(frank)

circumvent (교묘히)회피하다(get around, avoid) 선수를 쳐서 망쳐놓다 (frustrate, outwit)

comprehensive 포괄적인(overall, inclusive)

compulsory 강제, 의무적인(mandatory, required)

crave 열망, 갈망하다, 간절히 바라다 (desire)

critical 결정적인, 중대한(crucial)

crucial 결정적인, 중대한(decisive)

currently 현재, 지금(now)

curtail 짧게줄이다,생략하다(shorten)

D ---------------------------------


decade 10년간(ten years)

deftly 능숙하게(skillfully)

delegate (권한 등을)위임하다, 맡기다(assign)

devout 독실한, 경건한(sincere, pious)

dexterity 능숙함(adroitness, skill)

dilapidated 황폐한(run-down, ruined)

dilute 묽게 하다, 약하게 하다(weaken)

discrete 분리된, 별개의(separate)

discrepancy 불일치, 차이(difference, variation)

disseminate (씨를)흩뿌리다, 널리 퍼뜨리다(scatter, disperse)

diverse 다양한, 다른(different, various)

divulge 밝히다, 폭로하다 (reveal)



E ---------------------------------

eccentric 괴짜의, 괴상한 (strange)

elucidate 설명하다(explain)

emit 발하다, 방출하다(give off)

emulate 경쟁하다, 흉내내다(모방하다)(imitate)

enigma 수수께끼(puzzle)

entail 수반하다, ~를 필요로 하다(involve)

epitomize 요약하다, ~의 전형이 되다(examplify)

exaggeration 과장(overstatement, 반의어-understatement)



F ---------------------------------


ferocious 사나운(fierce)

foliage (leaves)



G ---------------------------------


gregarious 군집성의, 사교적인(sociable)



H ---------------------------------


habitat 서식지(home)

hazard 위험(danger)

hilarious 즐거운, 재미있는(cheerful, comical)

homogeneous 동종의, 동질적인(same kind)

humiliate 굴욕감을 느끼게 하다(embarrass)



I ---------------------------------


idolize 우상화하다(worship)

ignore 무시하다(pay no attention to)

impartial 공평한(unbiased)

impetus , 추진력, 자극(impulse, force)

incompatible 양립할 수 없는, 모순된(not in harmony with each other)

indict 기소하다, 고발하다(charge)

indispensable 필수불가결한(requisite, absolutely necessary)

inevitable 피할 수 없는(unavoidable)

ingenuity 영리함(cleverness)

innocuous 무해한(harmless)

inquisitive 호기심이 많은(curious)

intact 손대지 않은, 완전한(untouched, whole)

intrepid 대담한(fearless, courageous)

intrigue 공모, 음모(cabal), (~)흥미를 끌다

invaluable 매우 귀중한(priceless, very valuable)

irrelevant 부적절한, 관계가없는(beside the point, alien)

irritating 성가신, 귀찮은(annoying)



L ---------------------------------


laudatory 칭찬하는 (complimentary)

lavish 마음이후한, 아끼지않는 ,낭비적인(profuse, generous)

lethal 치명적인(deadly)



P ---------------------------------


peculiar 독특한, 고유한, 특별한(particular, unique)

pernicious 유해한, 치명적인 (destructive, harmful)

petrified 돌같이 된, 석화된(stone)

premise 전제(assumption) (pl)구내, 경내

pressing 긴급한(urgent)

prolific 다산의, 비옥한(productive)

proliferation 증식, 번식, 증가(increase, rapid increase)

proximity 근접, 가까움(closeness, nearness)



R ---------------------------------


ravage 파괴하다(ruin, destroy]

rave 매우 칭찬하는(highly praised)

reciprocal 상호간의(mutual)

rehabilitate 재건하다, 복원하다(restore, renovate)

reiterate 되풀이하다, 반복하다(repeat)

release 석방, 방출, 발매(discharge) 발매, 발표하다(distribute) 석방, 방출하다

relevant (주제와)관련된, 적절한(pertinent)

repeal (법률 등을)무효로하다, 철회하다(cancel)

resolve 결심하다(determine) 결심, 결의(determination) 해결하다(solve)

run-if-the-mill 보통의, 평범한(ordinary, average)



S ---------------------------------


screen (지원자 등을)심사하다, 가려내다(filter, investigate)

scrupulous 양심적인, 신중한, 꼼꼼한(careful, exact)

scrutinize 자세히 조사하다(examine closely)

shrill (소리가)날카로운(sharp)

sluggish 게으른, 동작이 느린(languid, slow th respond)

sojourn 일시적인 체류(a brief stay)

stumble ()채어 비틀거리다, 비틀거리며 걷다(trip)

succinct 간결한(concise)

symptom 징후, 증상(sign)



T ---------------------------------


tedious 지루한(boring, dull)

tenacious 고집이 센, 완강한(determined)(stubborn)

tepid 미지근한, 열의가 없는(slightly warm)

terminate 끝나다, 끝내다(end)

thorough 철저한, 완벽한(exhaustive, complete)

tolerate 참다, 견디다(put up with)

trepidation 공포, 불안(fright)




V ---------------------------------

vast 거대한, 엄청난(enormous)

verdict 평결, 판결(decision)

virtue 미덕, 장점(advantage, merit)

vulnerable 상처를 입기 쉬운, (비난 등을)받기 쉬운, 취약한(susceptible) (precarious)



W ---------------------------------


wither 시들다(wilt, dry up, shrivel)

withdraw 철회하다(quit) 인출하다(take out, 상명93) 철수하다

실수하기 쉬운 영어 문법


(x) I walked across the forest.

(o) She swam across the river.

(o) I walked through the river.


"across""through"는 한 쪽에서 다른 쪽으로 움직임을 나타낼 때 쓰인다.

"across"는 표면에서의 움직임을, "through"는 공간적인 움직임을 표현한다.



(x) I've got headache.

(o) I've got a headache.

(o) I've got toothache

(o) I've got a toothache.


"headache(두통)"는 셀 수 있는 명사이며, 통증을 나타내는 단어들(,toothache,

earache, stomachache)은 가산 또는 불가산 명사로도 쓰인다.



(x) According to me, this book is very interesting.

(x) According to his opinion, this book is too boring.

(o) According to John, this book is very interesting.

(o) In his opinion,, this book is too boring.


"According to"뒤에는 화자를 제외한 다른 사람이나, , 신문, 등이 와서 "...의 말"의 뜻을 내포한다. 이 말 뒤에는 "opinion"이나 "view"가 쓰이지 않고 대신 "in my opinion, in his view"가 쓰인다.



(x) He spoke to me very friendly.

(x) She sang lovely.

(o) He spoke to me in a very friendly way.

(o) Her singing was lovely.


대다수 부사는 형용사에 -ly를 붙여서 만든다. 그러나 단어 중에는 -ly 로 끝나는 형용사가 있다. (friendly, lovely, lonely, likely, ugly, deadly, cowardly, silly)



(x) Everest is high 9,000 meters.

(o) Everest is 9,000 meters high.


크기를 표시하는 형용사(:high, old, down, deep, long)는 단위를 나타내는 명사 뒤에 온다



(x) The carrots are my favorite vegetable.

(x) I like the music, the poetry, and the art.

(o) Carrots are my favorite vegetable.

(o) I like music, poetry, and art.


일반적인 사물을 지칭할 때는 관사가 없이 복수명사 혹은 복수어미를 취하지 않는 추상명사나 물질명사는 단수명사를 사용한다. 단수 보통 명사에는 관사를 붙인다.



(x) We live in small house.

(x) She is studying to be doctor.

(x) I'm afraid of a spiders.

(x) She was wearing a blue trouser.

(x) It's a nice weather.

(o) We live in a small house.

(o) She is studying to be a doctor.

(o) She is wearing trousers.

(o) It's nice weather.


관사 "a/an"이 명사 앞에 놓이면 하나를 의미하고 복수 어미를 붙이지 않는다. 불가산 명사 앞에는 관사를 쓰지 않고 복수어미를 붙이지 않는다.



(x) We need an other chair.

(x) I've got other three days holiday.

(o) We need another chair.

(o) I've got another three days holiday.


"another""an""other"의 합성어이지만 한 단어이다.



(x) He has seventeen.

(x) He is seventeen years.

(x) He is seventeen old.

(o) He is seventeen.

(o) He is seventeen years old.


나이를 말할 때는 "be동사 + 숫자" 또는 "be동사 + 숫자 + years old"로 표현한다.



(x) I'll phone you after I shall arrive.

(x) After I shall arrive, I'll phone you.

(o) I'll phone you after I arrive.


"after" 뒤에는 미래시제형 문장이 오지 않는다. 현재 시제로써 미래시제를 나타낸다.

"before, until, as soon as, when"도 비슷한 방법이다.



(x) As well as he broke his leg, he hurt his arm.

(o) As well as breaking his leg, he hurt his arm.


"as well as" 가 동사와 함께 사용될 때는, 동사의 ing형이 쓰인다.



(x) He came over and asked me a light.

(x) She asked for the price of the dress.

(x) I couldn't find my watch, so I asked Mary to use hers.

(o) He came over and asked for a light.

(o) She asked the price of the dress.

(o) I couldn't find my watch, so I asked Mary if I could use hers.


ask for..을 달라고 요청하다, ask..을 묻다, ask if ..할 수 있는지 묻다



(x) She had blood in her forehead.

(o) She has blood on her forehead.


신체의 부위를 지칭할 때는 전치사"on"을 사용한다. 속 부위를 말할 때는 "in"을 사용한다. in the eyes, in the mouth, in the ribs, in the stomach cf) hit him in the face



(x) You can't have my watch today. Give it to me again.

(x) This pen isn't good. I think I'll take it again to the shop.

(x) That was lovely. Will you pay it back?

(o) You can't have my watch today. Give it to me back.

(o) This pen isn't good. I think I'll take to the shop.

(o) That was lovely. Will you play it again?


"back"은 원래의 장소로 돌아가는 움직임을 말할 때 쓰이고, "again"은 같은 동작이

반복될 때 쓰인다.



(x) Tom won me at the tennis match.

(o) Tom beat me at the tennis match.

(o) Tom won the tennis match.


"Win " 뒤에는 시합(game), (prize), 전투(battle)등의 단어가 오고, "beat"뒤에는 시합 중인 사람을 지칭하는 단어가 온다.



(x) I am born in 1966.

(o) I was born in 1965.


탄생에 관한 것을 말할 때, 늘 과거형 "be + born"을 쓴다. "bear""낳다"라는 의미지만 현대에서는 "have/has a baby"를 쓴다.



(x) Can I lend your bicycle?

(x) Can I borrow you ten dollars?

(o) Can I borrow your bicycle?

(o) Can you lend me ten dollars?


"lend""give"처럼 <빌려주다>, "borrow""take"처럼 <빌리다>의 뜻이다.



(x) Take your camera when you come.

(x) I'll bring you back home after the party.

(o) Bring your camera when you come.

(o) I'll take you back home after the party.


"bring"은 말하는 사람을 향하는 움직임, "take"는 어떤 다른 방향으로의 움직임을

나타낼 때 주로 쓰인다.



(x) I killed the spider by a newspaper.

(x) I killed the spider with hitting it.

(o) I killed the spider by hitting it.

(o) I killed the spider with a newspaper.


"by"는 어떤 동작에 의한 것일 때 "with"는 어떤 도구에 의한 것일 때 쓰인다.



(x) I don'r take care of your opinion.

(o) I don't care for your opinion.


take care of :..을 돌보다, care for : ..을 좋아하다



(x) I went here yesterday, but you weren't in.

(x) I must go now or I won't come home before midnight.

(o) I came here yesterday, but you weren't in.

(o) I must go now or I won't go home before midnight.


일반적으로 "come"은 말하는 사람이나 듣는 사람이 있는 곳으로 향하는 움직임을 말할 때, "go"는 다른 움직임을 말할 때 쓰인다.



(x) My brother is very older than me.

(o) My brother is much older than me.


비교급을 수식할 때는 "much" "far" "a bit" "a little"등을 쓴다.



(x) I'll tell you as soon as I'll know.

(x) I'll be back before you'll have left.

(x) If you married me, I'd cook you nice meals when you'd come home.

(o) I'll tell you as soon as I know.

(o) I'll be back before you have left.

(o) If you married me, I'd cook you nice meals when you came home.


시간 접속사(: after, before, as soon as, until, when)뒤에는 "will, would"

등을 쓰지 않고 현재나 과거를 쓴다.



(x) Although she was tired, but she went to work.

(x) Because I liked him, so I went out with him.

(x) As you know, that I work very hard.

(o) Although she was tired, she went to work.

(o) Because I liked him, I went out with to work.

(o) As you know, I work very hard.


두 문장을 연결할 때 한 접속사만 사용한다.



(x) My parents live in a nice country near Seoul.

(x) Korea is country with a high economic growth rate.

(o) My parents live in a nice part of the country near Seoul.

(o) Korea is a country with a high economic growth rate.


"country"는 주로 나라와 시골의 의미로 쓰인다. 나라를 뜻할 때 보통 명사로 복수 어미,

관사(a)등과 함께 쓴다. 시골을 뜻할 때는 복수어미. 관사(a)등 쓰지 않고 "the country"로 쓰인다.



(x) Shakespeare dead in 1616.

(x) She is dead in a car accident.

(x) She is dead in a car crash.

(o) Shakespeare died in 1616.

(o) She died in a car accident.


"dead" "died"를 혼동하는 경우가 있는 데, "dead"는 형용사이고, "died""die"의 과거형이다.



(x) Who did say that?

(x) What did happen?

(x) Which one did get broken?

(o) Who said that?

(o) What happened?

(o) Which one got broken?


의문문에서 "who" "what" "which"등이 주어로 쓰일 때 조동사 "do"를 쓰지 않는다.



(x) My father was in hospital during six weeks for the summer.

(o) My father was in hospital for six weeks during the summer.


"during" 은 어떤 일이 일어난 때를 말할 때, "for"는 기간을 말할 때 쓴다.



(x) I enjoyed very much at party last night.

(o) I enjoyed myself very much at the party last night.


"enjoy"는 늘 목적어와 함께 쓰인다.



(x) Have you got enough of bread?

(o) Have you got enough bread?

(o) Have you got enough of the bread?


"enough" 뒤에는 관사없이 명사가 오며 "enough of" 뒤에는 "the +명사"가 온다



(x) The beer isn't enough.

(x) Was the time enough?

(o) There isn't enough beer.

(o) Did you have enough time?

(o) That's enough.


"enough"는 주어가 대명사일 경우 be동사의 보어로 쓰이지만 주어가 명사이면

보어로 쓰이지 않는다.



(x) I'll wait for you at exactly ten o'clock.

(o) I'll expect you at exactly ten o'clock.

(o) I had to wait twenty minutes for a bus this morning.


"wait"는 지체를 강조하고 싶을 때 주로 쓰며, 정해진 시간에 사람을 기다릴 때는 "expect"를 쓴다



(x) Red and black are colors that fit me very well.

(x) These shoes don't suit me. Have got a larger size?

(o) Red and black are colors that suit me very well.

(o) These shoes don't fit me. Have got a larger size?


"fit"는 크기가 맞다는 말이고, "suit"는 색깔이나 디자인이 어울린다는 말이다.



(x) I've forgotten my umbrella at home.

(o) I've left my umbrella at home.


장소가 언급될 때는 'forget" 대신에 "leave"를 쓴다.



(x) There is a nice little cafe in front of our house.

(o) There is a nice little cafe opposite our house.

길이나 강, 방의 반대쪽을 지정할 때는 "in front of"를 사용하지 않고 "opposite"를 사용한다.


(x) You play very good.

(x) When I'm with you I'm well.

(x) He speaks well English.

(o) You play very well.

(o) When I'm with you I'm fine.

(o) He speaks good English.


"well"은 건강 상태를 말할 때만, 형용사로 사용된다. 그 외에는 부사로 사용된다.



(x) Only half us could come.

(x) I live half a mile from here.

(x) Give me the half.

(o) Only half of us could come.

(o) I live half a mile from here.

(o) Give me half.


대명사 앞에서는 "half"가 쓰인다. 길이, 시간등을 나타내는 단어 앞에는 "half"가 쓰인다.

"half"가 때로는 대명사로 쓰이며 이 때는 당연히 관사를 붙이지 않는다.



(x) Suddenly I listened a strange noise.

(o) Suddenly I heard a strange noise.


저절로 들려오는 소리를 들을 때는 "hear"를 사용하고, 주의를 기울여서 어떤 소리를 들을 때는 "listen to"를 사용한다.



(x) George is in holidays this week.

(o) George is in holiday this week.


하루나 이틀 정도의 짧은 휴가를 말할 때는 관가, 복수 어미가 없는 holiday"를 사용하고, 상당한 기간의 휴가는 "a holiday" " holidays"를 사용한다.



(x) How is your mother?

(x) How is the educational system in your country?

(x) How was the weather like?

(o) What is your mother?-Oh, she's very tall.

(o) What is the educational system like in your country?

(o) What was the weather like?


사람이나 사물의 생김새에 대해 물을 때는 "what..like"를 사용한다. "how"는 사람들의 안부나 일의 진행 상태를 물을 때 쓴다.



(x) Try to not be late.

(x) Try to don't be late.

(o) Try not to be late.


부정사를 부정할 때는 "not""to" 앞에 붙인다.



(x) I enjoy to travel.

(x) She doesn't mind to go there.

(o) I enjoy traveling.

(o) She doesn't mind going there.


"enjoy"처럼 ing 형태의 동사를 목적어로 쓰는 동사들은 다음과 같다.

(admit, appreciate, avoid, consider, delay, deny, dislike, endure, endure,

escape, excuse, face, feel like, finish, forgive, give up, imagine, involve,

mention, mind, miss, postpone, practice, put off, resist, suggest, )



(x) I found her laying on the floor asleep.

(x) I laid down and closed my eyes.

(o) I found her laying on the floor asleep.

(o) I lay down and closed my eyes.


lay (눕히다) lay -laid - laid - laying

lie(눕다) lie - lay - lain - lying

lie(거짓말하다) lie - lied - lied - lying



(x) I like very much going to parties and dancing and meeting people.

(o) I very much like going to parties and dancing and meeting people.


동사(like)와 목적어Igoing..)은 보통 함께 오고, 부사(very much)는 동사 앞이나, 목적어 뒤에 온다.



(x) She married with a builder.

(o) She married a builder.

(o) When are you going to get married?


"marry"는 전치사 없이 사용한다. "marry"뒤에 목적어가 오지 않을 때는 "get married"를 많이 사용한다.



(x) John's got many friend because he's got much money.

(x) Celia talks much.

(o) John's got many friends because he's got a lot of money.

(o) Celia talks a lot.


"much" "many" 는 의문문, 부정문에서 주로 사용하고, 평서문에서는 "lot" " a lot (of)"

"plenty of"를 사용한다



(x) Neither his parents came.

(o) Neither parent came.

(o) Neither of his parents came.


"neither"는 관사, 소유대명사 등이 붙지 않는 단수 명사 앞에 쓰이고, 그 외에는

'neither of"가 사용된다.



(x) I found that she no more lived there.

(x) There's no longer bread.

(o) I found that she no longer lived there.

(o) There's no more bread.


"no more" 는 양이나 정도를 표현할 때 그 외에는 "no longer"를 쓴다.



(x) No one of my friends came to my birthday party.

(x) I've read no one of his books.

(o) None of my friends came to my birthday party.

(o) I've read none of his books.


"no one""nobody"를 뜻하며 보통 "of"가 뒤따르지 않는다. "한 사람도"를 의미할 때는

"none of"를 쓴다.



(x) Where are those five dollars I gave you?

(x) Ten miles are a long way to walk.

(o) Where is that five dollars I gave you?

(o) Ten miles is a long way to walk.


"five dollars" "ten miles"가 복수 형태로 되어 있으나 단수로 취급한다.

'영어 > 문법' 카테고리의 다른 글

주의해야 할 동사 1~10  (0) 2018.12.16
영어 문법 꿀팁 10 (91~100)  (0) 2018.12.15
영어 문법 꿀팁 9 (81~90)  (0) 2018.12.15
영어 문법 꿀팁 8 (71~80)  (0) 2018.12.13
영어 문법 꿀팁 7 (61~70)  (0) 2018.12.12

11. give의 용법

give 동사가 다양하게 쓰고 있으니참고하시기 바랍니다.


▶ give an account of (설명하다), give a concert (연주회를 열다), give a cry (외치다), give a laugh (웃다), give a lesson (교습을 주다), give an order (명령하다), give a party (파티를 열다), give a try (해보다), give aid to (...를 도와주다), give birth to (낳다), give emphasis to (강조하다), give rise to (생기게 하다), give thought to (생각해보다)

12. make5형식 문장


(1) We made toward the shore. (향하다)

(2) His eldest daughter will make a good wife for you. (... 이 되다)

(3) She made a fine dress. (만들다)

(4) She will make him a handkerchief. (만들어 주다)

(5) Father made me a soldier. ( ... 로 만들다)



13. 형식에 주의할 동사

(1) 1형식 동사

last(지속되다) : [The speech lasted an hour.]

pay(보답이 있다, 수지맞다) : [Farming doesn't pay these days.]

do ( ) : [Any time will do.]

matter( ) : [It doesn't matter what you say to me.]

count ( ) : [It is not what you say but what you do that counts.]

*c (좋다, 충분하다), d(중요하다), e(중요하다)


(2) 2형식 동사 : a) ...이다(be) b) ...가 되다 (become)


1) 인상, 지각에 관한 것 : (look, seem, appear), (smell), (taste), (sound), (feel)

2) become의 형태 :...가 되다 (상태의 변화) : go , grow, get, come, run, fall, turn

3) 지속, 상태에 관한 동사 : keep, stay, remain


come true ( ), come loose (풀어지다), run dry ( ), run short( ), go blind, go mad, fall ill( ), grow fat, hold good ( ), prove false, remain silent, turn out to be false

* 앞의 ( )서부터 실현되다, 마르다, 부족하다, 병이 나다, 유효하다


(3) 주의해야할 타동사

여기서 주의한다는 이야기는, 우리말 식으로 하면, 전치사가 필요한데, 걔네 들은 전치사를 쓰지 않고 목적어를 바로 쓴다는 것임!


discuss (..에 대해서 의논하다), accompany (...와 동행하다), kiss (...와 키스하다), address(...에게 말을 걸다), marry (...와 결혼하다), approach (...에 접근하다), mention (...에 대해서 언급하다), attend (...에 참석하다), oppose (...에 반대하다), await (...를 가다리다), reach (...에 도착하다), contact(...와 접촉하다), resemble(...와 닮다), enter(...에 들어가다), join(...에 동참하다), inhabit (...에 거주하다), become (...에 어울리다)


* ...와 결혼한다고 해서 marry with가 아니다 라는 말씀입니다. 위의 동사들 다음에 전치사가 오면 안 되요, ?치사가 모고 목적어가 오면 자동사가 되니깐요..)


* enter into (사업 등을 시작하다), attend to(유의하다)), attend on (시중들다)



14. do 동사의 용법


(1) give : Will you do me a favor?; do one harm; do one good

(2) be satisfactory :(1형식동사, will과 함께 쓰여) 좋다, 충분하다

(3) do + 명사 ---->손질하다, (명사의 의미)하다

. do the dishes; do translation; do the flowers;

. do a room; do one's face; do one's hair

(4) do + 지명 = visit ex) We did the Museum.



15. count on : ...에 의지하다

depend on, rely on, fall back on, look to, turn to



16. decide의 문형과 용법


(1) He has decided to become a doctor. = He has decided that he will become a doctor.

. His death decided me to leave school.

. He decided on the green gown.


(2) (adj) decisive, decided, (n) decision : decisive proof (확증), a decisive character (과단성 있는 성격), answer decidedly (분명히 대답하다)


17. believe in : (1) ...의 존재를 믿다 (2) ...이 좋다고 생각하다


ex) I believe in this method of teaching.



18. dispense with : ...없이 지내다

= go without = manage without



19. comprise ()

consist of, be composed of, be made up of, constitute : ...으로 구성되다



20. do with의 용법


(1) what did you do with my book? (처리하다)

(2) Her job is/has something to do with. (관련이 있다)

(3) I could do with a cup of tea. (필요로 하다)

(4) I can't do with his laziness. (참다)

(5) We felt so happy that we didn't know what to do with ourselves. (어떻게 ...을 처리하다

1. 4형식으로 착각하기 쉬운 동사

우리말 식으로 따지면 하면 4형식의 구문을 가질 것 같은데 사실은 3형식 구조를 갖는 동사를 정리한 것입니다.


* 동사+A+to+B / 동사+A+with+B

(1) He announced the news to us.

(2) She introduced her sister to me

(3) He described the scene to me.

(4) He explained the accident to me.

(5) He trusted me with the money

(6) They provided us with food.

(7) God endowed her with many talents.



2. ......하도록 설득시키다


persuade, convince, encourage, invite, prevail on

(1) I might persuade my parents to think as I do.

=I might persuade my parents into thinking as I do.

(2) We convinced her to stay. = We prevailed on her to stay.

= We persuaded her into staying.

(3) She encouraged him to do the work.= She invited him to do the work.



3. consider 의 뜻으로 쓰이는 주요 표현


(1) You should take into account someone else's wishes.

= You should take someone else's wishes into account.

(2) We made allowances for his youth.

= We allowed for his youth.

= We took his youth into consideration.

= We consider his youth.



4. 불을 놓다


. set fire to (the house), set (the house) on fire : (집에) 불을 지르다

. catch fire : 불이 붙다 (= catch on fire)

. () make a fire, build a fire, kindle, light, ignite : 불을 붙이다

. 불붙기 쉬운 : combustible, inflammable



5. keep 의 개념

'어떤 상태 그대로 유지하다'라는 의미 개념을 가지고 있습니다. 다음이 왜 그런 뜻이 나오는지 이해를 먼저 하십시오.


(1) keep the change ( )

(2) keep off the grass ( )

(3) keep left ( )

(4) keep calm ( )

(5) keep one's temper : 화를 내지 않다

(6) keep out of trouble : 곤란한 일에 끼지 않다

(7) keep going ( )

(8) keep the promise ( )

(9) keep the dog from coming

(10) keep the secret

(11) keep ____________ : 일기를 쓰다

(12) keep a small house

(13) keep house : 살림을 하다

(14) keep my teeth clean : 5형식


* (1) 잔돈은 가지세요 (2) 잔디에 들어가지 마시오 (3) 좌측 통행하시오 (4) 침착 하라 (7) 계속 가다 (8) 약속을 지키다 (9) 개가 오지 못하도록 하다 (11) a diary (12) 조그만 가게를 운영하다


keep ... to oneself (자기에게만 간직하다)

want ... to oneself

have ... to oneself

ex) . She kept her old memory to herself.

. She wanted the television to herself.

. She had the room to herself.



6. take down : 기록하다, 기입하다

note down, jot down, write down



7. make it : 성공하다

succeed, come off well, go off well

8 have an effect on : ...에 영향을 미치다

. have an influence on= have an impact on = __________(한 단어로)

* affect


9. come to + N 의 용법 : ... 하게되다

come to an end, come to stop, come to a halt : 멈추다, 끝나다

come to a conclusion : 끝나다, 결론으로 달하다

come to mind : 생각나다

come to nothing : 헛수고로 끝나다

come to oneself : 의식을 회복하다

come to someone's aid/assistance/aid : ... 을 도와주다

come to an agreement : 동의하다

come to blow : 싸우기 시작하다


10. go to + N 의 용법

go to waste : 낭비되다

go to extremes : 극단으로 가다

go to great pains : 무척 수고하다

go to pieces : 조각나다, 정신적으로 무너지다

go to trial : 재판 받다


'영어 > 문법' 카테고리의 다른 글

실수하기 쉬운 영어 문법  (0) 2018.12.22
영어 문법 꿀팁 10 (91~100)  (0) 2018.12.15
영어 문법 꿀팁 9 (81~90)  (0) 2018.12.15
영어 문법 꿀팁 8 (71~80)  (0) 2018.12.13
영어 문법 꿀팁 7 (61~70)  (0) 2018.12.12

1. lot : , 운명, 제비뽑기

. a parking lot (주차장)

. The children are playing on an empty lot. (공터에서)

. The winner was chosen by lot. (제비뽑기로)

. Learn to be content with your lot in life. (운명에, 팔자에)


2. space : 공간, 우주, 기간

. I couldn't find a parking space. (주차 공간)

. spaceraft (우주선), space-age (우주시대), space station (우주 정거장)

. There's been a 100% of increase in sales during the space of only two years.

(... 동안에)


3. *book : 예약하다, 경찰의 기록에 올리다

. You will have to book well in advance if you want to see that show.

(그 공연을 보려면 미리 예약을 해야할 것이다.)

. She was booked on a charge of speeding.

(그녀는 속도 위반으로 경찰 기록에 올려졌다.)


4. *charge : (개념: '...에 짐을 지우다'라는 의미에서 출발한다)

a. b.충전 c. 책임 d. 비난, 고발, 죄과 d. 요금 e. 공격 f. 부담

. He is wanted on a charge of murder. (살인 혐의로 수배되어 있다)

. Is there any charge for having the goods delivered. (요금)

. The company is in my charge while the director is away. (책임)

. I became my uncle's charge after my father's death.

. DJ tried to counter the charge that he favored the people from Cholla Province.

(DJ는 호남 사람들을 선호한다는 비난에 맞대응 하려고 했다.)

. The battery is on charge. (충전중)


5. books : 장부

. He was sacked for cooking the books. (장부 조작으로 해고되다)

. a guest books (숙박부), a books of matchs (떼어 쓰는 종이 성냥)


6. *interest : 이자

. He lent me the money at 5% interest.


7. right : 권리

. You have no right to treat me like this.


8. company : 동반, 단원, 손님, 중대

. a dance company (댄스 단원)

. You should never swear in company. (손님들 앞에서)

. If you're going out for a walk, I'll come along and keep you company.(동행하다)


9. sight : 시력, 견해, (pl) 명승지, 구경거리

. I always faint at the singht of blood. (피를 보면 항상 기절한다.)

. Out of sight, out of mind. (안보면 멀어진다)

. He lost his sight in an accident. (시력을 잃다)


10. character : 문자, 등장 인물, 성격

. The twins look alike but have very different characters. (성격)

. I can't understand why she did that

- it's quite out of her character. (그녀 답지 않은)

. a well-known character actor (성격배우)

. a letter printed in chinese characters (한자로)


11. word : 약속, 전언,

. a man of few words (말이 적은 사람)

. a man of his word (약속을 지키는 사람)

. Sometimes it is very hard to put your feelings into words. (말로)

. He sent word that he wanted to see me. (전갈, 전언)


12. pains : 수고

. We gave the taxi driver something extra for his pains.


13. letters : 문학

. He was one of the foremost figures in English letters at the turn of the century.


14. arms : 무기

. They have 5,000 men in arms. (무장한)


15. sentence : 선고하다(형량 등을)

. He was sentenced to three years in prison. (징역 3년을 선고받다)


16. fire : 해고하다

. Mr. Kim was fired because of the sex scandal.


17. *fine : 벌금

. You'll have to pay 50$ fine.


18. draw : 무승부, 추첨(운동 경기에서)

. The game was ended in a draw. (무승부로)

. He picked a winning number on the first draw. (첫 번 추첨에서)


19. change : 잔돈

. Do you have change for a ten dollar bill?


20. spring : 옹달샘

. a hot spring (온천)


21. state : 진술하다

. The witness stated that he had not seen the woman before.


22. *count, matter : 중요하다

. He does not count for much. (대단한 사람이 아니다)

. It doesn't matter to me if I miss the train, because there's another one later.


23. short : 갑자기, 부족한

. The driver stopped short when the child ran into the street.

. We've run short of oil. (...이 부족하다)



((그외 다른 단어들))

trial (재판, 시련, 시도) / win (얻다) / fast (단식) / drive (추진력, 캠페인, 내몰다) / feel (더듬거리다) / become (...에 어울리다) / fit (적당한, 발작) / fix (곤경) / class (계층) / case (환자, 소송) / even (짝수의, 평평한, 동등한) / force (군대) / gift (재능) / help (피하다) / industry (근면) / last (지속되다) / own (소유하다) / party (일행, , 상대방) / regards (안부) / school (학파, 물고기 떼) / short (갑자기) / touching (감동적인) / will 유언, 의지

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