upset=disorganize 망치다
inundate=deluge 범람하다
steal away:몰래 떠나다
out of the question=impossible:불가능한
look into:조사하다=go over, investigate, inspect, scrutinize
take in:속이다/묵게v, 안내v, 이해v
=deceive, pretend, let on,bluff, swindle(人out of sh) 속이다
take into account:~을 고려하다
get over:극복하다=recover from, surmount, pull through
make up for=compensate for, atone for:보충하다
turn up=show up, appear
turn over:뒤집다=capsize, flip
write off:가치를 줄이다
call off=cancel
call for=require
make up:구성하다=constitute, consist of
draw up:작성하다=draft
draw on:(자료로)이용하다, (공급품에)의지하다
drop in:우연히 방문하다
pull through:극복하다= get over, surmount, recover from
too hard to read=illegible:읽기 어려운
at odd:의견이 일치하지 않는
at odds with: 사이가 나쁜 = at variance with
try out: 시험하다
keep an eye on: 지키다, 경계v
=watch closely, keep close tabs on
polish the apple:아부하다,아첨하다=play up to, flatter
hold good:유효하다
get around:(법등의)빠질 구멍을 찾아내다
put an end to: 끝내다=get through with
step down:사임하다
fool around:빈둥빈둥 시간을 낭비하다
sit in=participate in :참가하다
what a steal! :참 싸게 샀네요=buy st for a song
↔ cost me a fortune, cost me an arm and a leg
under the black dog:우울한=melancholy, plaintive
on pins and needles:매우근심하는
use up:고갈시키다=deplete
through thick and thin:언제나
off color:안색이 나쁜
in a nutshell:간단히 말해서
get from :벗어나다= pull off, turn away
cut in: 끼어들다, 방해v
let alone:~은 말할것도 없이
=not to mention
catch on:이해v, 유행v,(적응v=adapt)
catch up on st: 만회v, 알아내다
poke your nose into:간섭하다
have a sweet tooth:단 것을 좋아하다
on the nail:즉시=off hand, out of hand
in so many words:분명히=plainly
cross out:줄을 그어 지우다
a piece of cake: 식은 죽 먹기=It's a cinch, just nothing
turn over a new leaf: 새롭게 시작하다
jack up=elevate: 올리다
in the neighborhood of
in a fix: 곤경에 처한=in a dilemma, put one's foot in it
tantamount=equivalent:동등한, commensurate
lose track of:~와 소식이 끊어지다
as luck would have it: 다행히, 우연히, 공교롭게(긍/부)
lead on:꽤다, 유혹하다,~을~으로 이끌다
concerns oneself with:관심을 갖다, 관여하다
incapacitate:무능력하게하다. 못하게하다=disabled
get across: ~을 이해시키다,~을 알게하다=convey(전달v)
look/see into:조사v=go over, investigate, inspect, scrutinize
as far as I am concerned:나로서는
as far as S be concerned : ~에 관한 한
maul:혹평하다=beat // haul : 수송하다
hold with:동의하다=concur
succinct=concise, laconical, brief = 간결한
sole: 유일한
grasp: 이해v, 붙잡다=clutch
boil down to : 요약하면~이다,~이 본질이다.
let up: 그치다, 중단하다= stop, halt, cease
stray: 길을 잃은= lose oneself
abide by: 고수하다
charge:~탓으로 v. 비난v, 책망v, 고소v, 가득 채우다
brag (about): 자랑하다=boast
let go of = release 놓다
make for: 향하여 가다 = head for
be acquainted with: ~을 잘 알고 있다=be informed about
across the board:대대적인, 전면적인, 일괄적인
to look quickly through=skim, run over
at the behest of: ~의 요청으로
behind schedule: 예정보다 늦게 = behind time
break down: 세분화되다=subdivide/ 고장나다=go hay-wire
cross one’s mind: 문득 떠오르다=occur to, strike
be equal to : 감당할 능력이 있다=be up to sb
draw forth:끌어내다=elicit
drive out: 추방하다=expel
every two years=biennial: 매2년마다
suspend:일시적으로 중단하다
at that eleventh hour:마지막순간에
in profusion:풍부하게=abundantly, copiously, prolific
diverse=different: 다양한
in line with:의견이 일치하는
=see eye to eye, speak one's language
off hand:즉시=out of hand ↔ on hand : 수중에 있는
saw:속담,격언=maxim, proverb, saying, adage, aphorism
mark off:구별하다=tell~from~
coaxed:달콤한 말로 설득하다=cajole
indignation:분노,노여움=rage, resentment, wrath, anger
gloat:만족스럽게 응시하다
feasible:실행할수 있는
=practicable, visible, workable, applicable, viable
meager:부족한=scanty ↔ ample, adequate, sufficient 충분한
hold on:기다리다
mercurial:변덕스러운=quick-changing, fickle, capricious
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