compensation=redress 보상, 시정


offend 기분상하게하다 =displease

go broke: 파산하다=run out of maney

let me down: 실망시키다


germane=relevant 밀접한 관련이 있는

go by:의지하다=depand upon, turn to

get far=pay off:성공하다.


come down with:=contract 병에걸리다

constrict=contract, shrink 수축하다

late:최근의, (), 늦은

in return for:보답으로 ,답례로



for the life of me:아무리해도=scarcely, for the world

avert: 얼굴을 돌리다,비키다,피하다(=avoid, shun)

grow:재배하다,경작하다=raise=bring up,cultivate


stand, tolerance, endure, bear, put up with 참다,견디다

bite the bullet 고통을 견디다, Hang in there 견뎌라


tip off: 밀고하다

down and out:가난한,빈곤한 = destitute, impoverished

stand for:상징하다


pull up:멈추다

attend on: 시중들다.

catch up with:따라잡다=overtake

walks of life:신분,계층=occupations

out of one’s mind: 미친=insane

what is more:게다가,덧붙여=in addition

take up:시작v, 차지v=occupy, 배우다, 가담v

for nothing:공짜로

=gratis, gratuitously, on the house, complimentary

pay out:벌을 주다

belligerent:호전적인=warlike, pugnacious

pointless:무의미한,효과 없는=no account

robust 강한 = strong

at times:때때로=once in a while

have nothing to do with:관련이 없다

keep up with:따라잡다,보조를 맞추다

=keep abreast of

callous:무감각한,냉정한=unfeeling, nonchalant, phlegmatic

give in:굴복하다=surrender, succumb to, yield to

bring up:기르다,양육v,제기하다/ = raise, cultivate

come up with:제안하다=propose/ 생산하다=produce

drudgery:단조롭고 고된일

relinquish:포기하다=forsake, abandon, give up

come through:입수되다


come to:의식을 회복하다

put off:연기하다

get at:의도되다=imply

carry on=engage in:수행하다,종사하다


clean out:완전히 비우다

make up of:구성하다= consist of

do away with:폐지하다=abolish, eliminate, get rid of


get across:알게하다,이해시키다=convey(전달v)


escape:도망치다=get away, flee, decamp, abscond, elope

give out:발표하다=announce

give off:방출하다,내뿜다=emit, let off

run out of:~을 다써버리다

=finish the supply of

lay out:정리하다=arrange

respect:존경하다=look up to, revere

respectable존경할만한/respective:각각의/respectful 예의바른

leave out:배제하다=exclude from

lay by:저축하다=lay aside, put by, put aside

look over=examine=go over, investigate, inspect, scrutinize

get through with=finish 끝마치다=put an end to, wrap up

tie up=hinder:~을 정체시키다,방해하다



get a rain check:다음으로 미루다 defer, hold/put off,adjourn

make up:해결하다=settle/구성v, 화해v, 준비v, 결정v

the apple of the eye:아주소중한 것

run over(차가)~을 치다=knock down and pass over

all at sea=perplex:어쩔 줄 모르다

hand in:제출하다

hand out:분배하다

get somewhere: 성공하다


continue=get on with

get even with:복수v=repay, retaliate, get revenge, hit back

promiscuous:무차별한=indiscriminate, unselective, wholesale

rule out:배제하다,제거하다=reject

revere:존경하다=respect, look up to

pick on:괴롭히다=annoy, vex, pull one's leg

pull off : 벗어나다=turn away(외면v,거절v,해고v)

despotism=tyranny, oppressive rule :독재,전제정치,폭정

dispose of:처분하다,해치우다

hold back:억제v, 숨기다, 저지v

set off:착수v =set about

pick up:우연히 입수하다

gradually=little by little=bit by bit

bring about=introduce:~을 제기하다,초래하다=bring forth

show up= appear, turn up 나타나다

send for:~을 부르러 보내다

shed light on= account for, explain:설명하다

clear away:~을 치우다

take after:닮다

look after: 돌보다

put by:저축하다

take off :벗다


take on:~을 띠다=assume/ 맡다

take over:인수받다=succeed to

make do with:그럭저럭 살아가다=manage with

take a stand on : 분명한 입장을 취하다

soak up=absorb 흡수하다

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