71. 동격어로 쓰인 대명사의 수와 격은 대명사가 나타내는 명사를 따른다.

. He asked for two volunteers, you and I. (X)

. He asked for two volunteers, you and me. (O)

. Us girls are going out shopping now. (X)

. We girls are going or shopping now. (O)



72. 전치사의 목적어는 목적격이다.

. Henry was asked to choose between Jack and I. (X)

. Henry was asked to choose between Jack and me. (O)



73. different 뒤에는 from이다.

. Life here is not different than life anywhere else. (X)

. Henry here is not different from life anywhere else. (O)



74. 주어의 수를 동사는 따라야 한다.

. The carton of eggs is on the table.

. The data have arrived just in time. (datadatum의 복수)



75. 삽입구는 무시하고 주어와 동사만을 일치시킨다.

. Joe, as well as his two cousins, calls me every day.

. My two aunts, along with their dog DJ, visit me every Sunday.

76. There는 주어가 아니고 유도부사이므로 주어를 확인하여 동사의 수를 정해야 한다.

. There is a sparrow on the window ledge.

. There are 300 apartments in my building.



77. 주격보어는 주격이고 목적격 보어는 목적격이다.

. The best player may be he.

. I think it to be her.

. It was him that I liked. (강조구문이므로 예외)



78. 부정사 앞에 의미상의 주어가 없으면 주절의 주어와 동일하다는 뜻이다.

. To live life fully, friends are needed. (X)

. In order to live life fully, one must have friends. (O)



79. hardly, scarcely, barely등은 부정의 뜻에 가까우므로 다른 부정어와 같이 쓰이지 않는다.

. Tom didn't hardly touch his dinner tonight. (X)

. Tom hardly touched his dinner tonight. (O)



80. Almost는 바로 다음의 단어를 수식한다.

. Last week I almost lost $100. (잃을 뻔하다)

. Last week I lost almost $ 100. (거의 100불을 잃었다)

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