91. 이차적인 내용을 등위접속사(and)로 연결하는 것은 부적당하다.

. Josephine is in the room, and Hugh won't speak to her. (X)

. Even though Josephine is in the room, Hugh will jot speak to her. (O)



92. 같은 내용은 같은 구문으로 나타낸다. (평행구조)

. It was cold, rainy, and there was too much wind. (X)

. It was cold, rainy, and windy. (O)


. Ice skating is more exciting than to roller skate. (X)

. Ice skating is more exciting than roller skating. (O)


. The motor sputtered, coughed, and then it was stalled. (X)

. The motor sputtered, coughed, and then stalled. (O)



93. 혼동될 가능성이 없으면 같은 말은 생략하는 것이 좋다.

. Mr. Kim went to the post office, to the supermarket, to the drugstore, and to the library. (제일 앞의 to만 필요하다)



94. 전치사의 목적어는 목적격이다.

. Nobody except you and she saw the robber run away. (X)

. Nobody except you and her saw the robber run away. (O)



95. 비교의 대상은 같아야 한다.

. The population of New York is larger than Seoul. (X)

. The population of New York is larger than that of Seoul. (O)

. His point of view is quite different from me. (X)

. His point of view is quite different from mine. (O)



96. 자주 나오는 격언과 속담은 반드시 알아둔다.

. One man's meat is another man's poison.

(한 사람에게 고기가 되는 것이 다른 사람에겐 독이 되는 경우가 있다.)

. A stitch in time saves nine. (제 때의 바늘 한 뜸은 아홉 바늘을 던다)

. Better late than never. (하지 않는 것보다 늦게라도 하는 것이 낫다.)

. Waste not, want not. (낭비가 없으면 부족이 없다)

. Two wrongs never make a right. (나쁜 일이 거듭되어서 옳은 일이 되는 법은 없다)

. Penny wise, pound foolish. (작은 돈은 아끼며, 큰돈은 아끼지 않는다)

. Easy come, easy go. (쉽게 버는 돈은 쉽게 나간다)

. Take care of pence and the pounds will take care of themselves.

(푼돈을 소중히 하면 큰돈이 저절로 모인다)



97. 주의할 몇 가지 생활 영어 표현

. The store changed hands again. (그 가게 주인이 또 바뀌었다.)

. She was near tears. (그녀는 막 울음이 터질 것 같았다)

. This lunch is on me. (오늘 점심은 내가 사겠다)

. He writes novels on the side. (부업으로 소설을 쓴다)

. I don't deserve your thanks. (뭐 감사할 것까지야 있겠어요?)

. It gets me! (열 받는구만!)

. That's the spirit. (암 그래야지)

. Count me in. (나도 끼워 줘)

. Count me out. (나 빼 줘)

. At it again! (또 그 짓이야!)

. You can say that again. (지당하신 말씀)

. After you, please! (먼저 하시죠!)

. After you with the paper, please. (신문 보시고 난 뒤 좀 보여 주십시오)



98. 요일, 날자, 달을 묻는 표현

. 요일 : What day is it today? / What day is today? / what day of the week is it today?

. 날짜 : What's the date? / What day of the month is it today?

. : What month is this?


99. 단위를 표시하는 복수는 단수 동사를 받는다.

. Twelve years is a long time to spend in exile. (12년은 망명생활로 보내기에는 긴 시간이다)

. Ten miles is a long way when I was child.

. I haven't seen her this two hours.



100. 뜻을 구별해야 할 형용사

. succeed : successful (성공적인) / successive (연속적인)

. moment : momentous (중요한) / momentary (일시적인)

. industry : industrious (근면한) / industrial (산업의)

. sense : sensible (분별력 있는) / sensitive (민감한)

. compare : comparable (비교할 만한) / comparative (비교적)

. credit : credible (믿을만한) / credulous (쉽게 믿는)

. practice : practical (현실적인) / practicable (실천에 옮길 수 있는

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