실수하기 쉬운 영어 문법


(x) I walked across the forest.

(o) She swam across the river.

(o) I walked through the river.


"across""through"는 한 쪽에서 다른 쪽으로 움직임을 나타낼 때 쓰인다.

"across"는 표면에서의 움직임을, "through"는 공간적인 움직임을 표현한다.



(x) I've got headache.

(o) I've got a headache.

(o) I've got toothache

(o) I've got a toothache.


"headache(두통)"는 셀 수 있는 명사이며, 통증을 나타내는 단어들(,toothache,

earache, stomachache)은 가산 또는 불가산 명사로도 쓰인다.



(x) According to me, this book is very interesting.

(x) According to his opinion, this book is too boring.

(o) According to John, this book is very interesting.

(o) In his opinion,, this book is too boring.


"According to"뒤에는 화자를 제외한 다른 사람이나, , 신문, 등이 와서 "...의 말"의 뜻을 내포한다. 이 말 뒤에는 "opinion"이나 "view"가 쓰이지 않고 대신 "in my opinion, in his view"가 쓰인다.



(x) He spoke to me very friendly.

(x) She sang lovely.

(o) He spoke to me in a very friendly way.

(o) Her singing was lovely.


대다수 부사는 형용사에 -ly를 붙여서 만든다. 그러나 단어 중에는 -ly 로 끝나는 형용사가 있다. (friendly, lovely, lonely, likely, ugly, deadly, cowardly, silly)



(x) Everest is high 9,000 meters.

(o) Everest is 9,000 meters high.


크기를 표시하는 형용사(:high, old, down, deep, long)는 단위를 나타내는 명사 뒤에 온다



(x) The carrots are my favorite vegetable.

(x) I like the music, the poetry, and the art.

(o) Carrots are my favorite vegetable.

(o) I like music, poetry, and art.


일반적인 사물을 지칭할 때는 관사가 없이 복수명사 혹은 복수어미를 취하지 않는 추상명사나 물질명사는 단수명사를 사용한다. 단수 보통 명사에는 관사를 붙인다.



(x) We live in small house.

(x) She is studying to be doctor.

(x) I'm afraid of a spiders.

(x) She was wearing a blue trouser.

(x) It's a nice weather.

(o) We live in a small house.

(o) She is studying to be a doctor.

(o) She is wearing trousers.

(o) It's nice weather.


관사 "a/an"이 명사 앞에 놓이면 하나를 의미하고 복수 어미를 붙이지 않는다. 불가산 명사 앞에는 관사를 쓰지 않고 복수어미를 붙이지 않는다.



(x) We need an other chair.

(x) I've got other three days holiday.

(o) We need another chair.

(o) I've got another three days holiday.


"another""an""other"의 합성어이지만 한 단어이다.



(x) He has seventeen.

(x) He is seventeen years.

(x) He is seventeen old.

(o) He is seventeen.

(o) He is seventeen years old.


나이를 말할 때는 "be동사 + 숫자" 또는 "be동사 + 숫자 + years old"로 표현한다.



(x) I'll phone you after I shall arrive.

(x) After I shall arrive, I'll phone you.

(o) I'll phone you after I arrive.


"after" 뒤에는 미래시제형 문장이 오지 않는다. 현재 시제로써 미래시제를 나타낸다.

"before, until, as soon as, when"도 비슷한 방법이다.



(x) As well as he broke his leg, he hurt his arm.

(o) As well as breaking his leg, he hurt his arm.


"as well as" 가 동사와 함께 사용될 때는, 동사의 ing형이 쓰인다.



(x) He came over and asked me a light.

(x) She asked for the price of the dress.

(x) I couldn't find my watch, so I asked Mary to use hers.

(o) He came over and asked for a light.

(o) She asked the price of the dress.

(o) I couldn't find my watch, so I asked Mary if I could use hers.


ask for..을 달라고 요청하다, ask..을 묻다, ask if ..할 수 있는지 묻다



(x) She had blood in her forehead.

(o) She has blood on her forehead.


신체의 부위를 지칭할 때는 전치사"on"을 사용한다. 속 부위를 말할 때는 "in"을 사용한다. in the eyes, in the mouth, in the ribs, in the stomach cf) hit him in the face



(x) You can't have my watch today. Give it to me again.

(x) This pen isn't good. I think I'll take it again to the shop.

(x) That was lovely. Will you pay it back?

(o) You can't have my watch today. Give it to me back.

(o) This pen isn't good. I think I'll take to the shop.

(o) That was lovely. Will you play it again?


"back"은 원래의 장소로 돌아가는 움직임을 말할 때 쓰이고, "again"은 같은 동작이

반복될 때 쓰인다.



(x) Tom won me at the tennis match.

(o) Tom beat me at the tennis match.

(o) Tom won the tennis match.


"Win " 뒤에는 시합(game), (prize), 전투(battle)등의 단어가 오고, "beat"뒤에는 시합 중인 사람을 지칭하는 단어가 온다.



(x) I am born in 1966.

(o) I was born in 1965.


탄생에 관한 것을 말할 때, 늘 과거형 "be + born"을 쓴다. "bear""낳다"라는 의미지만 현대에서는 "have/has a baby"를 쓴다.



(x) Can I lend your bicycle?

(x) Can I borrow you ten dollars?

(o) Can I borrow your bicycle?

(o) Can you lend me ten dollars?


"lend""give"처럼 <빌려주다>, "borrow""take"처럼 <빌리다>의 뜻이다.



(x) Take your camera when you come.

(x) I'll bring you back home after the party.

(o) Bring your camera when you come.

(o) I'll take you back home after the party.


"bring"은 말하는 사람을 향하는 움직임, "take"는 어떤 다른 방향으로의 움직임을

나타낼 때 주로 쓰인다.



(x) I killed the spider by a newspaper.

(x) I killed the spider with hitting it.

(o) I killed the spider by hitting it.

(o) I killed the spider with a newspaper.


"by"는 어떤 동작에 의한 것일 때 "with"는 어떤 도구에 의한 것일 때 쓰인다.



(x) I don'r take care of your opinion.

(o) I don't care for your opinion.


take care of :..을 돌보다, care for : ..을 좋아하다



(x) I went here yesterday, but you weren't in.

(x) I must go now or I won't come home before midnight.

(o) I came here yesterday, but you weren't in.

(o) I must go now or I won't go home before midnight.


일반적으로 "come"은 말하는 사람이나 듣는 사람이 있는 곳으로 향하는 움직임을 말할 때, "go"는 다른 움직임을 말할 때 쓰인다.



(x) My brother is very older than me.

(o) My brother is much older than me.


비교급을 수식할 때는 "much" "far" "a bit" "a little"등을 쓴다.



(x) I'll tell you as soon as I'll know.

(x) I'll be back before you'll have left.

(x) If you married me, I'd cook you nice meals when you'd come home.

(o) I'll tell you as soon as I know.

(o) I'll be back before you have left.

(o) If you married me, I'd cook you nice meals when you came home.


시간 접속사(: after, before, as soon as, until, when)뒤에는 "will, would"

등을 쓰지 않고 현재나 과거를 쓴다.



(x) Although she was tired, but she went to work.

(x) Because I liked him, so I went out with him.

(x) As you know, that I work very hard.

(o) Although she was tired, she went to work.

(o) Because I liked him, I went out with to work.

(o) As you know, I work very hard.


두 문장을 연결할 때 한 접속사만 사용한다.



(x) My parents live in a nice country near Seoul.

(x) Korea is country with a high economic growth rate.

(o) My parents live in a nice part of the country near Seoul.

(o) Korea is a country with a high economic growth rate.


"country"는 주로 나라와 시골의 의미로 쓰인다. 나라를 뜻할 때 보통 명사로 복수 어미,

관사(a)등과 함께 쓴다. 시골을 뜻할 때는 복수어미. 관사(a)등 쓰지 않고 "the country"로 쓰인다.



(x) Shakespeare dead in 1616.

(x) She is dead in a car accident.

(x) She is dead in a car crash.

(o) Shakespeare died in 1616.

(o) She died in a car accident.


"dead" "died"를 혼동하는 경우가 있는 데, "dead"는 형용사이고, "died""die"의 과거형이다.



(x) Who did say that?

(x) What did happen?

(x) Which one did get broken?

(o) Who said that?

(o) What happened?

(o) Which one got broken?


의문문에서 "who" "what" "which"등이 주어로 쓰일 때 조동사 "do"를 쓰지 않는다.



(x) My father was in hospital during six weeks for the summer.

(o) My father was in hospital for six weeks during the summer.


"during" 은 어떤 일이 일어난 때를 말할 때, "for"는 기간을 말할 때 쓴다.



(x) I enjoyed very much at party last night.

(o) I enjoyed myself very much at the party last night.


"enjoy"는 늘 목적어와 함께 쓰인다.



(x) Have you got enough of bread?

(o) Have you got enough bread?

(o) Have you got enough of the bread?


"enough" 뒤에는 관사없이 명사가 오며 "enough of" 뒤에는 "the +명사"가 온다



(x) The beer isn't enough.

(x) Was the time enough?

(o) There isn't enough beer.

(o) Did you have enough time?

(o) That's enough.


"enough"는 주어가 대명사일 경우 be동사의 보어로 쓰이지만 주어가 명사이면

보어로 쓰이지 않는다.



(x) I'll wait for you at exactly ten o'clock.

(o) I'll expect you at exactly ten o'clock.

(o) I had to wait twenty minutes for a bus this morning.


"wait"는 지체를 강조하고 싶을 때 주로 쓰며, 정해진 시간에 사람을 기다릴 때는 "expect"를 쓴다



(x) Red and black are colors that fit me very well.

(x) These shoes don't suit me. Have got a larger size?

(o) Red and black are colors that suit me very well.

(o) These shoes don't fit me. Have got a larger size?


"fit"는 크기가 맞다는 말이고, "suit"는 색깔이나 디자인이 어울린다는 말이다.



(x) I've forgotten my umbrella at home.

(o) I've left my umbrella at home.


장소가 언급될 때는 'forget" 대신에 "leave"를 쓴다.



(x) There is a nice little cafe in front of our house.

(o) There is a nice little cafe opposite our house.

길이나 강, 방의 반대쪽을 지정할 때는 "in front of"를 사용하지 않고 "opposite"를 사용한다.


(x) You play very good.

(x) When I'm with you I'm well.

(x) He speaks well English.

(o) You play very well.

(o) When I'm with you I'm fine.

(o) He speaks good English.


"well"은 건강 상태를 말할 때만, 형용사로 사용된다. 그 외에는 부사로 사용된다.



(x) Only half us could come.

(x) I live half a mile from here.

(x) Give me the half.

(o) Only half of us could come.

(o) I live half a mile from here.

(o) Give me half.


대명사 앞에서는 "half"가 쓰인다. 길이, 시간등을 나타내는 단어 앞에는 "half"가 쓰인다.

"half"가 때로는 대명사로 쓰이며 이 때는 당연히 관사를 붙이지 않는다.



(x) Suddenly I listened a strange noise.

(o) Suddenly I heard a strange noise.


저절로 들려오는 소리를 들을 때는 "hear"를 사용하고, 주의를 기울여서 어떤 소리를 들을 때는 "listen to"를 사용한다.



(x) George is in holidays this week.

(o) George is in holiday this week.


하루나 이틀 정도의 짧은 휴가를 말할 때는 관가, 복수 어미가 없는 holiday"를 사용하고, 상당한 기간의 휴가는 "a holiday" " holidays"를 사용한다.



(x) How is your mother?

(x) How is the educational system in your country?

(x) How was the weather like?

(o) What is your mother?-Oh, she's very tall.

(o) What is the educational system like in your country?

(o) What was the weather like?


사람이나 사물의 생김새에 대해 물을 때는 "what..like"를 사용한다. "how"는 사람들의 안부나 일의 진행 상태를 물을 때 쓴다.



(x) Try to not be late.

(x) Try to don't be late.

(o) Try not to be late.


부정사를 부정할 때는 "not""to" 앞에 붙인다.



(x) I enjoy to travel.

(x) She doesn't mind to go there.

(o) I enjoy traveling.

(o) She doesn't mind going there.


"enjoy"처럼 ing 형태의 동사를 목적어로 쓰는 동사들은 다음과 같다.

(admit, appreciate, avoid, consider, delay, deny, dislike, endure, endure,

escape, excuse, face, feel like, finish, forgive, give up, imagine, involve,

mention, mind, miss, postpone, practice, put off, resist, suggest, )



(x) I found her laying on the floor asleep.

(x) I laid down and closed my eyes.

(o) I found her laying on the floor asleep.

(o) I lay down and closed my eyes.


lay (눕히다) lay -laid - laid - laying

lie(눕다) lie - lay - lain - lying

lie(거짓말하다) lie - lied - lied - lying



(x) I like very much going to parties and dancing and meeting people.

(o) I very much like going to parties and dancing and meeting people.


동사(like)와 목적어Igoing..)은 보통 함께 오고, 부사(very much)는 동사 앞이나, 목적어 뒤에 온다.



(x) She married with a builder.

(o) She married a builder.

(o) When are you going to get married?


"marry"는 전치사 없이 사용한다. "marry"뒤에 목적어가 오지 않을 때는 "get married"를 많이 사용한다.



(x) John's got many friend because he's got much money.

(x) Celia talks much.

(o) John's got many friends because he's got a lot of money.

(o) Celia talks a lot.


"much" "many" 는 의문문, 부정문에서 주로 사용하고, 평서문에서는 "lot" " a lot (of)"

"plenty of"를 사용한다



(x) Neither his parents came.

(o) Neither parent came.

(o) Neither of his parents came.


"neither"는 관사, 소유대명사 등이 붙지 않는 단수 명사 앞에 쓰이고, 그 외에는

'neither of"가 사용된다.



(x) I found that she no more lived there.

(x) There's no longer bread.

(o) I found that she no longer lived there.

(o) There's no more bread.


"no more" 는 양이나 정도를 표현할 때 그 외에는 "no longer"를 쓴다.



(x) No one of my friends came to my birthday party.

(x) I've read no one of his books.

(o) None of my friends came to my birthday party.

(o) I've read none of his books.


"no one""nobody"를 뜻하며 보통 "of"가 뒤따르지 않는다. "한 사람도"를 의미할 때는

"none of"를 쓴다.



(x) Where are those five dollars I gave you?

(x) Ten miles are a long way to walk.

(o) Where is that five dollars I gave you?

(o) Ten miles is a long way to walk.


"five dollars" "ten miles"가 복수 형태로 되어 있으나 단수로 취급한다.

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