1. 4형식으로 착각하기 쉬운 동사

우리말 식으로 따지면 하면 4형식의 구문을 가질 것 같은데 사실은 3형식 구조를 갖는 동사를 정리한 것입니다.


* 동사+A+to+B / 동사+A+with+B

(1) He announced the news to us.

(2) She introduced her sister to me

(3) He described the scene to me.

(4) He explained the accident to me.

(5) He trusted me with the money

(6) They provided us with food.

(7) God endowed her with many talents.



2. ......하도록 설득시키다


persuade, convince, encourage, invite, prevail on

(1) I might persuade my parents to think as I do.

=I might persuade my parents into thinking as I do.

(2) We convinced her to stay. = We prevailed on her to stay.

= We persuaded her into staying.

(3) She encouraged him to do the work.= She invited him to do the work.



3. consider 의 뜻으로 쓰이는 주요 표현


(1) You should take into account someone else's wishes.

= You should take someone else's wishes into account.

(2) We made allowances for his youth.

= We allowed for his youth.

= We took his youth into consideration.

= We consider his youth.



4. 불을 놓다


. set fire to (the house), set (the house) on fire : (집에) 불을 지르다

. catch fire : 불이 붙다 (= catch on fire)

. () make a fire, build a fire, kindle, light, ignite : 불을 붙이다

. 불붙기 쉬운 : combustible, inflammable



5. keep 의 개념

'어떤 상태 그대로 유지하다'라는 의미 개념을 가지고 있습니다. 다음이 왜 그런 뜻이 나오는지 이해를 먼저 하십시오.


(1) keep the change ( )

(2) keep off the grass ( )

(3) keep left ( )

(4) keep calm ( )

(5) keep one's temper : 화를 내지 않다

(6) keep out of trouble : 곤란한 일에 끼지 않다

(7) keep going ( )

(8) keep the promise ( )

(9) keep the dog from coming

(10) keep the secret

(11) keep ____________ : 일기를 쓰다

(12) keep a small house

(13) keep house : 살림을 하다

(14) keep my teeth clean : 5형식


* (1) 잔돈은 가지세요 (2) 잔디에 들어가지 마시오 (3) 좌측 통행하시오 (4) 침착 하라 (7) 계속 가다 (8) 약속을 지키다 (9) 개가 오지 못하도록 하다 (11) a diary (12) 조그만 가게를 운영하다


keep ... to oneself (자기에게만 간직하다)

want ... to oneself

have ... to oneself

ex) . She kept her old memory to herself.

. She wanted the television to herself.

. She had the room to herself.



6. take down : 기록하다, 기입하다

note down, jot down, write down



7. make it : 성공하다

succeed, come off well, go off well

8 have an effect on : ...에 영향을 미치다

. have an influence on= have an impact on = __________(한 단어로)

* affect


9. come to + N 의 용법 : ... 하게되다

come to an end, come to stop, come to a halt : 멈추다, 끝나다

come to a conclusion : 끝나다, 결론으로 달하다

come to mind : 생각나다

come to nothing : 헛수고로 끝나다

come to oneself : 의식을 회복하다

come to someone's aid/assistance/aid : ... 을 도와주다

come to an agreement : 동의하다

come to blow : 싸우기 시작하다


10. go to + N 의 용법

go to waste : 낭비되다

go to extremes : 극단으로 가다

go to great pains : 무척 수고하다

go to pieces : 조각나다, 정신적으로 무너지다

go to trial : 재판 받다


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