공무원 빈출단어 D

damp : moist, humid, wet : 축축한, 습기찬

danger : hazard, risk, peril, jeopardy : 위험

dare : venture, risk, challenge, defy : 감히 ~하다

daring : courageous, bold, brave, audacious, dauntless, valiant, gallant : 대담한, 용감한

dash : rush, dart, bolt : 내던지다, 돌진하다

dawn : daybreak : 새벽

dead : deceased, extinct, inanimate : 죽은

deadly : fatal, lethal, mortal : 치명적인

debate : discussion, argument, controversy, dispute : 논쟁하다, 토론하다

decadence : deterioration, decline : 타락

decay : deteriorate, decline : 부식하다, 쇄하다

deceit : fraud, deception, cheating : 사기, 책략

deceive : delude, cheat : 속이다, 기만하다

decent : right, proper, nice, pure, modest : 예절바른

decided : resolute, determined, final : 결정적인, 단호한

declare : announce, proclaim : 선언하다

decline : 1. refuse, reject : 거절하다 / 2. weaken, deteriorate, degenerate, decay : 쇠퇴하다

decrease : diminish, lessen, dwindle, abate : 줄다, 감소하다

defeat : conquer, overwhelm, subdue : 쳐부수다

defect : blemish, flaw, fault, shortcoming, weakness : 결점, 단점

defend : guard, shield, shelter, protect : 방어하다

definite : fixed, clear, express : 한정된, 명확한

defy : challenge : 도전하다

dejected : depressed, discouraged : 낙심한

deliberate : careful, thoughtful, cautious : 신중한

delicate : dainty, graceful, elegant : 섬세한, 가냘픈

delicacy : dainty, savory : 고움, 섬세, 민감

deliver : rescue, save : 해방시키다

deny : gainsay, contradict : 부인하다, 거절하다

depart : start, leave, quit : 출발하다

depict : represent, portray : 묘사하다, 서술하다

deplore : grieve, regret, lament, mourn : 비탄하다

deposit : save, store, entrust : 두다, 맡기다

depressed* : downcast, melancholy, gloomy : 우울한, 억압된

deprive : bereave, strip : 박탈하다, 거절하다

descent : falling, descending ; (Ant) ascent : 하강, 내리기

desert : abandon, forsake : 버리다

design : plan, devise, project, contrive : 계획

desolate : barren, ravaged : 황량한, 황폐한

despair : discouragement, disheartenment : 절망, 자포자기

desperate : hopeless, desolate, extreme, excessive : 절망적인 / 지독한

destiny : fate, doom : 운명

destitute : poor, devoid : 빈곤한

destroy : smash, demolish : 파괴하다

detain : confine, arrest, keep : 억류하다, 보류하다

detect* : spot, discern, discover : 발견하다

deviate : diverge, wander, stray : 빗나가다

device : plan, scheme, project, design : 고안, 계획

devise : contrive, invent, design : 고안하다, 발명하다

devout : pious, devoted, saintly : 헌신

dictate* : fix, impose, prescribe, ordain, decree : 명령하다, 지시하다

die : decease, perish, vanish : 없어지다, 희미해지다

diffuse* : spread, distribute, scatter, disperse : 발산하다, 퍼뜨리다

digest : absorb, imbibe, assimilate : 흡수하다, 섭취하다

dilemma : predicament, strait : 진퇴양란, 곤경

dim : obscure, faint : 모호한

diminish : lessen, reduce, decrease, shrink, abate : 감소시키다

dirty : foul, unclean, filthy : 더러운, 불결한

disadvantage : harm, damage, injury : 불리한, 손해되는

disappear : vanish, fade : 사라지다

disappoint : frustrate, baffle : 실망하다

disaster : calamity, mishap, catastrophe, adversity : 재난, 불운

discern : perceive, notice, discriminate, distinguish : 식별하다, 구별하다

discernible* : noticeable, detectable, observable, perceptible, perceivable : 식별력이 있는

disciple : pupil, student, scholar : 제자, 문하생

discipline : training, drill, exercise, practice : 훈련, 규율

disclose : reveal, divulge, unveil : 폭로하다, 드러내다

disconcert : disturb, bewilder, perplex, embarrass : 당황케 하다

discourage : dishearten, dispirit, depress : 용기를 잃게 하다, 낙담시키다

discreet : judicious, prudent, cautious, heedful, considerate : 분별있는

disdain : condemn, despise, scorn : 경멸, 모멸

disgrace : shame, dishonor : 수치스러운, 불명예스러운

disgust : sicken, nauseate : 혐오, 싫증

disgusting : offensive, sickening, nauseous, nauseating : 메스꺼운, 넌더리나는

dishonorable : disgraceful, shameful : 망신스러운

disinterested : unbiased, impartial, fair : 사심없는, 공정한

disloyal : unfaithful : 불성실한, 불충한

dismiss : discharge, fire, refuse, reject, decline : 해고하다, 내쫓다

disorder : mess, confusion, chaos : 무질서, 혼란, 난잡

disperse : scatter, dissipate, diffuse : 흩어지게 하다

displace : replace, remove : 바꾸어놓다, 옮겨놓다

dispute : argue, debate : 논쟁하다, 토의하다

disregard : ignore, neglect, overlook : 무시하다, 경시하다

dissent : differ, disagree : 의견을 달리하다

dissolve : melt : 용해하다

distinct : definite, clear, plain : 뚜렷한, 별개의

distinction : difference : 구별, 차이

distinguish : discriminate, differentiate : 구별하다

distinguished : marked, noted, eminent, famous, celebrated, renowned : 두드러진, 뛰어난

distress : pain, anxiety, agony, anguish : 괴롭히다, 고뇌

distribute : deal, allot, apportion, assign, dispense : 분배하다

disturbance : agitation, disorder, confusion, uproar : 소란, 소동, 방해

diverse : various, manifold : 다양한

doctrine : tenet, dogma, theory, principle : 교의, 교리, 주의

domain : area, field, territory, province, realm, arena : 영토

dominant : ruling, prevailing, prevalent : 지배적인, 우세한

donation : gift, contribution, offering : 기부, 기증

doom : fate, destiny, lot, ruin, death : 운명, 파멸

draw : drag, pull, tug, attract : 당기다, 끌다

dread : fear, awe : 무서워하다, 공포

dreary : gloomy, disma : 음울한, 황량한

drive : impel, compel, force : 억지로 ~하게 하다

dubious : doubtful : 수상쩍은, 모호한

dull : boring, tedious, uninteresting, blunt : 무딘, 둔한, 단조로운

dumb : mute, speechless : 벙어리의

durable* : lasting, enduring, constant, permanent : 오래 견디는, 튼튼한

dusky : dim, shadowy, cloudy, obscure : 어스레한, 어둑어둑한

duty : obligation : 의무, 임무

dwarf : pygmy ; (Ant) giant : 난쟁이

dwell : abide, reside, live, inhabit : 살다, 거주하다

공무원 빈출단어 C

calamity : tragedy, disaster, catastrophe, cataclysm : 재난, 불행

calculate : count, figure, reckon, compute : 계산하다, 추정하다

cancel : annul, revoke : 최소, 중지하다

candid : frank, open, outspoken : 솔직한

capacious : spacious, roomy : 널찍한, 큼지막한

capacity : 1. magnitude, dimensions 2. ability : 용적, 수용력, 자격

capital : principal, chief, prime, primary, major, leading : 주요한, 수도, 대문자

captivate : charm, enthrall, enchant, fascinate : 마음을 사로잡다, 매혹하다

captivity : bondage, confinement : 포로

capture : seize, catch, snare : 사로잡다, 포획

careful : cautious, watchful, vigilant, discreet, prudent : 조심성있는, 주의깊은

careless : heedless, reckless, indiscreet : 부주의한, 무관심한

cargo : freight, load, burden : 뱃짐, 화물

carriage : vehicle, conveyance : 탈 것,

carry : convey, transport, transfer : 나르다, 전하다

cast : throw, fling, hurl, pitch : 던지다

casual : unexpected : 우연의, 무관심한, 무심결의

catastrophe : disaster, mishap, calamity, misfortune : 대이변, 큰재앙

cease : stop, terminate : 그치다, 그만두다

celebrate : observe, commemorate : 축하하다, 찬양하다

celebrated : famous, renowned, well-known, distinguished : 유명한, 저명한

celebrity : a famous person, hero, notable : 명성

celestial* : heavenly : 하늘의, 천재의

change : alter, turn, transform, vary : 바꾸다, 변하다

character : feature, trait, characteristic : 특성, 성격, 인물, 문자

charge : load : 채우다, 짐을 지우다

charitable : generous, benign, kind : 자비로운

cheat : deceive, defraud, trick, delude : 속이다

check : study, examination, inspection, stop : 저지하다, 조사하다, 대조, 검사

cheer : inspirit, animate, encourage : 격려, 환호, 갈채

cheerful : gay, joyful, buoyant, jolly : 쾌활한

cherish : treasure : 소중히 하다, 품다

chill : cold, coldness : 냉기, 냉담한

chop : cut, mince : 자르다, 찍다

chronic : habitual, confirmed : 만성의, 장기간에 걸친

civil : polite, courteous, civilized : 일반 시민의

claim : demand, request, requirement : 요구하다, 청구하다

clash : collide : 땡땡울리는 종소리, 출동

clasp : grasp, grip, clutch : 걸쇠, 버클

clean : unstained, clear, pure : 청결한, 깨끗한

cleanse : clean, purify : 청결하게 하다, 깨끗이 하다

clear : distinct, evident, plain, obvious, apparent, manifest : 분명한, 뚜렷한, 맑은

clever : smart, intelligent, ingenious : 영리한, 현명한

climb : mount, ascend, scale : (산 따위에) 오르다

clumsy : awkward : 서투른, 어색한

coarse : crude, rude, rough : 조잡한, 거친

coax : cajole, persuade : 감언, 달콤한 말을 하다

cohere : stick, cling, adhere, bond, cleave : 밀착하다, 결합하다

cohesion* : bond, adhesion : 점착, 결합

collect : assemble, amass, accumulate, aggregate : 모으다, 수집하다

column : pillar : 기둥, 원주

combat : struggle, fight, battle : 전투, 논쟁

combination : conjunction, association, union : 결합, 연합

combine : unite, join, associate, incorporate : 결합시키다

comfort : soothe, console, solace : 위로, 위안, 편안함

command : order, bid, instruct : 명령하다

commence : begin, start, originate : 시작하다

commend : entrust, laud, praise, exalt, applaud : 추천하다, 칭찬하다

communicate: transmit, convey : 전달하다, 통보하다

compact : tightly, packed : 빽빽하게 찬, 치밀한

companion : associate, partner, fellow, mate : 동료, 동반자

company : companionship, society : 회사, 조합

comparable : similar, equivalent, like, uniform, analogous, alike : 유사한

compassion : pity, sympathy, mercy : 동정

compel : force, impel : 강요하다, 억지로 ~시키다

compensate : atone : 보상하다, 갚다

compete : contend, vie, rival : 경쟁하다, 겨루다

competent : qualified, capable, proficient : 유능한

complain : grumble : 불평하다

complex : compound, complicated : 복잡한, 어려운

comply : acquiesce, conform, consent, accede : 동의하다

component* : element, ingredient : 성분, 구성요소

composed : calm, tranquil : 마음이 가라앉은

comprehend : understand, grasp, discern, perceive : 이해할 수 있는

comprehensive: inclusive, broad, extensive, sweeping : 포괄적인, 넓은

compress : condense, squeeze : 압축하다

compulsory : compelled, binding : 강제적인, 의무적인

conceal : hide, bury : 숨김, 은폐

conceit : vanity, complacency ; (Ant) humility, modesty : 자만, 자부심

conceive : understand, apprehend, comprehend : 이해하다, 생각하다

concentrate : focus, intensify : 집중하다, 한점에 모으다

conciseness : brevity : 간결

condemn : blame, censure : 비난하다

condense : compress, concentrate : 요약하다, 압축하다

condition : state, situation, circumstance : 상태

conduct : behavior, demeanor, manner, bearing : 행동하다, 이끌다, 안내하다

confer : bestow, give, donate, grant : 수여하다, 주다

conference : meeting, convention : 협의, 회의

confess : acknowledge, avow, own, admit, concede : 자백하다, 고백하다

confidence : trust, belief, faith, reliance : 신임, 신용

confident : certain, convinced : 확신하는, 자신만만한

confine : enclose, imprison : 한정하다, 가두다

confirm : assure : 확실하게 하다

conflict : collide, clash, contend, fight, combat : 투쟁, 전투

conform : comply, yield, agree, assent : 따르게 하다, 순응하다

confuse : disturb, confound, perplex, bewilder : 혼동하다, 어리둥절하게 하다

congress : meeting, assembly, conference : 국회, 대회

conquer : defeat, master, beat ; (Ant) surrender, submit : 정복하다, 억누르다

conscientious : just, upright, honest : 양심적인, 성실한

conscious : aware : 의식하고 있는

consequence : effect, result, outcome : 결과

consider : contemplate, meditate, reflect, ponder : ~라 생각하다, 숙고하다

considerate : thoughtful, charitable : 이해심있는

consistent : compatible, harmonious : 일관된, 언행이 일치된

console : comfort, solace, soothe : 위로하다, 위문하다

consort* : associate, fraternize, agree : 배우자, 동료

conspicuous* : prominent, manifest, plain, apparent : 확실히 보이는, 뚜렷한

constant : invariable, uniform, stable, unchanging : 불변의, 끊임없는

constrain : compel, coerce : 억지로 ~시키다, 강요하다

constrict : compress, contract : 압축하다, 죄다

consult : confer : 의견을 무다

consume : expend, exhaust : 다 써버리다, 소모하다

contagious : communicable, infectious : 전염성있는 (접촉에 의한)

contain : hold, accommodate, include : 포함하다

contaminate : pollute, stain, corrupt : 오염시키다

contemplate : consider, reflect, ponder, meditate : 심사숙고하다, 응시하다

contemporary: coexisting : ~와 같은 시대의, 현대의

contempt : scorn, disdain : 경멸, 멸시

contemptible : mean, abject, base : 경멸할만한

contemptuous: scornful, sneering : 사람을 얕잡아보는

contend : struggle, strive, fight, battle, combat, compete : 다투다, 강력히 주장하다

content : satisfied, contented : 만족하여

contest : struggle, conflict, battle, combat, fight : 경쟁, 논쟁

continual : incessant, ceaseless : 계속적인, 빈번한

contract : compact, bargain : 계약

contradictory: opposing, paradoxical, inconsistent, contrary : 모순된

contrast : comparison : 대조

contrive : devise, invent, design : 고안하다, 연구하다

control : dominate, govern, rule, reign : 지배, 억제

controversy : dispute, debate : 논쟁, 논의

convenient : handy : 편리한, 손쉬운

converse : opposite, reverse : 반대,

convert : change, transform : 전환하다

convey : carry, transport, transmit : 운송하다

convince : persuade : ~에게 납득시키다

core* : center, heart : 핵심

corpse : body : 시체

correct : amend, remedy, cure : 바로잡다, 교정하다

correspond : conform, accord, match : 일치하다, 부합하다

corrupt : rotten, spoiled : 타락한, 부정한

count : matter, weigh, signify : ~라고 생각하다

courteous : civil, polite, well-mannered : 예의바른, 정중한

cowardly : craven, afraid, timid : 겁많은, 소심한

crack : break, snap, split : 깨뜨리다

craft : skill, ingenuity : 기능, 솜씨

crash : shatter, smash : 산산히 부수다

crazy : insane, lunatic, mad : 미친

credit : belief, trust, confidence, faith, reliance : 신용

creditable : reputable, honorable : 명예로운, 신용할수 있는

credulous : gullible : 쉽게 믿는, 경솔한

crime : offense, sin, felony : , 범죄

criminal : convict, sinner, culprit, offender : 범죄의, 형사상의

cripple : disable, maim, ruin : 불구가 되다, 무능한

crisis : emergency : 위기, 전환기

critic : reviewer, judge : 비평가, 평론가

critical : crucial, momentous, important, dangerous, perilous, hazardous : 비판적인 / 위독한

crop : harvest, produce, yield : 수확, 작물

crowd : throng, multitude, swarm, herd : 군중, 많은 사람

crucial* : 1. decisive, conclusive, determinative, deciding. : 결정적인 / 2. critical, desperate, acute : 호된, 괴로운

crude : unrefined, raw : 가공하지 않은

cruel : barbarous, ferocious : 잔혹한, 잔인한

crush : shatter, smash, crumble : 짓밟다, 뭉개다

cumbersome*: awkward, bulky, clumsy, inconvenient : 다루기 힘든, 버거운

cunning : tricky, sly : 교활한, 약삭빠른

cure : remedy : 치료

curious : inquisitive, interested : 호기심 있는

current : prevailing, prevalent, common, popular : 통용되는

curse : damn, imprecate, anathematize, scourge : 저주하다, 괴롭히다

custody : imprisonment, confinement : 감금

customary* : habitual, accustomed, conventional : 관례적인

cut : divide, sever, chop : 자르다

cynical : sarcastic, satirical, sneering : 냉소적인, 비꼬는

공무원 빈출단어 B

ban : forbid, inhibit, prohibit, enjoin, outlaw, proscribe, disallow, interdict : 금지령, 금지하다

banish : expel, exile, deport : (국외로) 추방하다

bar : hinder, obstruct, deter, stop, impede : 막대기, 창살, 법정

barbarian : savage, primitive, barbaric, barbarous : 야만인, 미개인

bare : naked, nude, exposed : 발가벗은, 속이 빈

bargain : contract, trade, sell : 매매, 싼 물건

barren : sterile, infertile, unproductive : 불모의, 새끼를 낳지 못하는

barrier : bar, obstruction, barricade, obstacle : 장벽, 울타리

barter : trade, exchange : 교환하다, 교역하다

base : mean, degraded : 기초, 근거, 천한

beam : shine, gleam, glitter, radiate : 들보, 광선, 빛나다

bear : carry, transport, convey : 운반하다, 지탱하다, 견디다

bearing : manner, behavior, conduct : 태도, 관계

becoming : attractive, comely, suitable, appropriate : 어울리는, 적당한

beg : entreat, crave, implore, beseech, petition, request : 구걸하다, 부탁하다

behave : conduct : 행동하다

bend : curve, crook, bow : 구부리다, 굽히다

beneficial : helpful, profitable, advantageous : 유익한, 이로운

benevolent : kind, humane, tender, generous : 인자한

betray : be unfaithful to, be a traitor to : 배반하다

bewilder : confuse, perplex, puzzle : 당황하게 하다

bias* : prejudice : 성향, 경향

bid : command, order, direct : 명령하다

bind : band, bond, tie, fasten : 묶다, 둘러 감다

bite : gnaw, chew : 물다

bitter : harsh, acrid, biting : , 쓰라린, 지독한

blame : reproach, censure, condemn, disapprove : 나무라다, 비난하다

blast : explosion, outburst, burst : 한줄기 강한 바람, 폭풍

blaze : flame : 불꽃, 섬광

blemish : stain, defect, speck : , 결점

blend : mingle, mix : 섞다

blind : sightless : 눈이 먼

blink : wink, twinkle : 깜빡거리다, 깜작이다

block : obstacle, blocking, blockade : 받침대, 장애물

bloody : cruel, ruthless : 잔인한, 피가 나는

blow : shock, calamity, disaster : 강타, 타격

blunt : dull ; (Ant) sharp : 무딘, 둔한

boast : brag, swagger : 자랑하다

bold : courageous, daring, valiant : 대담한

bond : union : 연맹

bondage : slavery, confinement : 노예의

boom* : flourish, thrive, prosper : 쿵하고 울리다

bore : weary, tire : 구멍을 뚫다

bother : annoy, worry, trouble, harass, disturb : 걱정하다, 근심하다

bound : boundary, border, limit, precinct : 경계, 한계

boundary : edge : 경계()

bow : stoop, bend, yield, submit : 구부리다, 굽히다

brain : intellect : 두뇌, 지력

brave : courageous, gallant, dauntless, bold : 용감한

bravery : boldness, courage, daring : 용감

break : shatter, batter, destroy : 깨뜨리다, 부수다

breed : create, generate, raise, rear, nurture : 양육하다, 기르다

brief : short, transitory, transient, temporary : 잠시의, 짧은

bright : radiant, glowing, beaming, brilliant : 빛나는, 영리한

brisk : active, lively, energetic : 활기있는

broad : wide, extensive, vast, spacious : 폭이 넓은

brood : dwell on, ponder, meditate : 골똘히 생각하다

brook : stream : 시내, 개천

brutal : savage, cruel, inhuman, ruthless, barbarous : 야수적인, 잔인한

brute : beast, animal : 짐승

burden : load : 무거운짐

burst : explode, blow up : 폭발하다, 터지다

bury : entomb, hide : 파묻다, 매장하다

공무원 빈출단어 A

abandon : relinquish, leave, desert, quit, forsake : 버리다, 포기하다

abate : reduce, let up, decrease, diminish, lessen : 줄다, 감소시키다

abbreviate : shorten, curtail, brief, truncate, abridge : 생략하다, 줄이다.

abhor : hate, detest, loathe : 혐오하다

abide : remain, sojourn, reside, inhabit : 머무르다, 버티다

abject : humiliating, contemptible, base, mean : 비열한, 비굴한

abolish : annul, nullify, revoke : 없애다, 폐지하다

abound : teem, swarm : 풍부하다

abreast : alongside : 나란히, 병행하여

abrupt : sudden, hasty : 뜻밖의, 갑작스런

absent-minded: oblivious, inattentive : 얼빠진, 방심상태의

absolute : complete, perfect : 확실한

absorb : swallow, engulf : 흡수하다, 열중케하다

abstract : theoretical, unpracticed : 추상적인, 난해한

absurd : ridiculous, foolish, stupid : 불합리한, 어리석은

abundance : plenty, profusion : 유복, 풍부

abuse : misuse, maltreat, ill-use, reproach, slander : 남용하다, 욕하다

accelerate* : hurry, speed, hasten, quicken, speed up, expedite : 가속하다, 빠르게 하다

accept : admit, approve, acknowledge : 받아들이다

access : approach : 접근

accidental : casual, contingent : 우연히, 뜻하지 않게

accommodate: suit, fit, adapt, hold, contain : 수용하다

accompany : escort, convoy : 동반하다

accomplish : fulfill, complete, achieve, execute : 이루다, 완성하다

accord : agree, assent, concur : 일치하다, 적응시키다

account : explanation, exposition : 계산, 평가, 설명

accurate : correct, precise : 정확한

accuse : indict, charge, impeach, blame : 비난하다, 고발하다

accustomed : customary, habitual, wont : 익숙한

achieve : accomplish, effect, perform : 이루다, 성취하다

acid : sour, biting : , 산성의

acknowledge : admit, confess, own : (~이 사실임을) 인정하다

acquaintance : associate, companion : 아는 사람, 아는 사이

acquire : gain, win, earn, secure : 얻다, 배우다

actual : tangible, definite, genuine : 현실의

acute : pointed, sharp, intense, poignant, severe, fierce, violent, keen, shrewd : 날카로운,예리한

adapt : suit, adjust, fit : 적응시키다

address : 1. residence, abode : 주소 / 2. speech, lecture, discourse : 인사말, 강연

adequate : sufficient, suitable : 충분한

adhere : stick, cleave, cling : 들러붙다, 부착하다

adjourn : suspend, postpone, defer, delay : 연기하다

adjust : fit, adapt, suit : 조절하다

administer : manage, conduct, execute, direct, supervise : 관리하다

admirable : praiseworthy, fine, excellent : 칭찬할만한, 훌륭한

admire : esteem, revere : 감탄하다

admit : acknowledge, own, confess, receive : 허락하다

adore : worship, esteem, revere : 숭배하다

adorn* : decorate, beautify, ornament : 꾸미다

advance : improve, progress, propose, offer : 나아가다, 진보하다

advantage : benefit, profit, behalf : 유리, 우월

adversary : antagonist, opponent, enemy, foe : , 상대자

adversity : calamity, catastrophe, disaster, misfortune : 불행, 역경, 재난

advocate : support, argue for, speak for : 주창자, 대변자

affect : 1. influence, impress, touch, stir : ~에 영향을 미치다 / 2. pretend, feign, assume : ~인 체하다

affectation : airs, pretense : ~인 체함, 가장

affection : attachment, amity, love : 애정, 호의

affluent : rich, opulent, abundant : 풍족한, 부유한

affront : offend, insult, abuse : 모욕하다

aggregate : assemble, collect, accumulate, gather : 집합하다, 모이다

aggressive : offensive, assaulting, militant : 침략적인, 적극적인

agile : quick, light, nimble : 민첩한, 재빠른

agree : assent, consent, accede, concede, comply : 동의, 일치하다

ailing : sick, ill, unwell : 병든

aim : direct, point : 겨누다, 겨냥하다

alarm : fright, terror, panic, dismay : 놀람, 공포, 경보

alert : attentive, vigilant, watchful, wary, heedful : 경계하는

alien : strange, foreign : 외국의

allege : declare, affirm, assert : 단언하다, 주장하다

alleviate : ease, lessen, abate : 덜다, 완화하다

alliance : association, partnership, affiliation, union : 결연, 동맹

allot : divide, distribute, assign, allocate : 할당하다, 분배하다

allow : permit, grant : 허락하다

ally : align, confederate, join, combine, affiliate, conjoin : 동맹, 결연하다

alter : modify, change, vary : 바꾸다, 변경하다

alternate : interchange, occur successively : 교체하다, 번갈아하는

alternative : choice, option : 양자택일의

altitude : height, elevation : 높이, 고도

amass* : collect, gather, accumulate : 쌓다, 모이다

amaze : astound, surprise, astonish : 몹시 놀라게 하다

ambiguous : unclear, vague : 모호한, 확실하지 않은

amiable : kind, friendly, amicable : 붙임성 있는, 귀여운

ample : large, spacious, vast, great : 넓은, 충분한

amplify : enlarge, expand, magnify : ~을 확대하다

amuse : entertain, please, cheer : 즐겁게하다

ancestor : forefather ; (Ant) descendant : 선조, 조상

anchor : fix, secure, fasten : 닻으로 고정시키다

ancient : old, aged, antique, antiquate : 옛날의, 고전의

anger : resentment, wrath, fury, indignation, rage : 노여움, 성남

angry : indignant, resentful, irate : 성난, 노한

anguish : pain, pang, suffering, agony : 격통, 고뇌

annihilate* : remove, clear, abolish, liquidate, erase, exterminate, obliterate, eradicate : 전멸, 폐지

announce : proclaim, publish, declare : 알리다, 공고하다

annoy : harass, bother, worry, trouble : 괴롭히다

anonymous* : unnamed, unsigned : 익명의, 작자불명의

antagonist : opponent, adversary : 적대자, 경쟁자

antagonize* : counteract : 대항하다

anticipate : foresee, forecast : 예견하다

antipathy : dislike, disgust, hatred ; (Ant) sympathy : 반감, 혐오

apathetic : indifferent, unconcerned, uninterested : 무감각한, 냉담한

apex : tip, summit, zenith, acme, climax : 꼭대기, 정점, 절정

appall : frighten, horrify, terrify, shock : 오싹하게 하다

apparel : clothes, dress, garb, attire, costume : 옷을 입히다

apparent : plain, clear, evident, obvious, conspicuous, manifest : 명백한, 분명한, 겉모양만의

appeal : entreaty, request, petition : 애원하다, 호소하다

appease : pacify, quiet, soothe, calm, tranquilize : 달래다, 진정시키다

appendix : supplement, adjunct : 부록, 추가

applause : acclamation, acclaim : 박수갈채

appliance : instrument, apparatus, device, tool : 기구, 장치

apply : use, employ, utilize : 알맞다, 적용하다

appoint : nominate, name, designate : 지명하다, 임명하다

apportion : divide, allot, assign, allocate : 배분하다

appreciate : value, estimate : 진가를 인정하다

apprehension: anxiety, misgiving : 우려, 염려

appropriate : suitable, proper, assign, apportion, allocate : 적당한, 충당하다

apt : 1. inclined, disposed, prone, liable, likely : ~하기 쉬운 / 2. proper, appropriate, correct : 적당한

aptly* : appropriately : 적절히

aptitude : aptness, fitness, suitability : 적성, 적절함

archaic : ancient, antiquated, antique : 고풍의

ardent : passionate, fervent, intense, eager, enthusiastic : 불타는, 타오르는

ardor : eagerness, zeal, passion, enthusiasm : 열정, 열심

argue : debate, discuss, dispute : 논하다, 설득하다

arouse : animate, awaken, excite, incite, stimulate : 깨우다, 자극하다

arrange : order, array : 가지런히 하다, 배열하다

arrogant : haughty, insolent, overbearing : 거만한, 오만한

arrest : seize, apprehend, capture : 체포하다, 검거하다

ascend : mount, soar, arise : 오르다, 올라가다

ascertain : determine, settle, discover : ~을 확인하다, 조사하다

aspect : appearance, look, countenance : 용모, 생김새

aspire : desire, long, yearn : 열망하다

assail : assault, attack : 맹렬히 공격하다

assassinate : murder, kill, slay : 암살하다

assemble : gather, congregate, collect, convene : 모으다, 집합하다

assembly : congress, legislature, parliament, diet : 의회, 하원

assent : accede, consent : 동의하다, 찬성하다

assess* : estimate, calculate, evaluate, appraise : 평가하다, 사정하다

assign : distribute, allot : 할당하다, 배당하다

associate : join, affiliate, unite, combine : 연합시키다, 참가시키다

assort : separate, classify, group, sort, categorize : 분류하다

assume : 1. undertake / 2. pretend, affect : 맡다, 책임지다

assure : convince : 보증하다, 확실하게 하다

astonish : amaze, surprise, astound, shock, startle, daze, stun : 깜짝 놀라게 하다

attach : fasten, affix, join, annex : 붙이다, 접착하다

attachment : affection : 부착, 부착물

attain : 1. reach : 도달하다 2. acquire, procure, win : 달성하다

attempt : try, seek : 시도하다

attend : wait on, serve : 시중들다, 간호하다

attentive : heedful, alert, watchful, careful : 주의 깊은

attire* : clothing : 차려 입히다, 옷차림새

attitude : position, bearing, pose : 태도, 자세

attract : draw, allure, charm : 유인하다, 매혹하다

authority : power : 권위, 권력

authorize : empower, allow, permit, let : 권한을 부여하다

auxiliary : subsidiary, subordinate, additional : 보조의 부가의

available : usable : 쓸모있는

avenge : revenge : 복수하다, 원수갚다

average : mean, median : 평균, 표준

avid : greedy, avaricious, desirous, acquisitive, covetous : 욕심많은, 탐욕스런

avoid : shun, evade, escape, elude : 피하다, 회피하다

aware : conscious : 의식이 있는, 알아차리는

awe : wonder, amazement : 두려움, 경외

awkward : clumsy, unskillful : 어색한, 꼴사나운

혼동하기 쉬운 어휘 정리



beneficent자선심이 많은, 인정 많은

childlike어린애다운, 천진난만한

childish어린애같이 유치한

comparable필적하는, 비교가 되는



considering~을 고려하면

considerate동정심(인정)이 있는

considerable상당한, 고려할 만한





contemptible경멸할 만한, 비열한

contemptuous경멸적인, 얕잡아보는
cf) meanness천함, 천한 행위


credible믿을 수 있는

credulous쉽게 믿는, 속기 쉬운





disease, 질환

decease사망, 사망하다


disinterested사심 없는, 공평한



economic경제학의, 경제적인




healthful건강에 좋은



historical역사에 관한



imaginative상상력이 풍부한

imaginable상상할 수 있는


ingenuous소박한, 천진난만한

ingenious재능이 있는, 슬기로운

intelligible알기 쉬운

intelligent이해력 있는, 총명한





literal글자의, 글자그대로

literary문학의, 문학에 종사하는

literacy읽고 쓸 수 있는, 교양

literate학식이 있는





luxuriant번성한, 풍부한


momentous중요한, 중대한

momentary순식간의, 찰나의


objection반대, 이의

object물건, 물체, 대상


principal주요한, 중요한(=chief)

principle원리, 원칙(=doctrine)


regretful후회하는, 불만스런





physician의사, 내과의사



respectable존경할 만한 (=reverend)

respectful공손한, 정중한(=polite)



sensible지각 있는, 분별 있는

sensitive민감한, 예민한




kill oneself =commit suicide자살하다

by oneself =all alone홀로, 혼자서

for oneself =without other’s help혼자 힘으로

in itself =in its own nature본질적으로

of itself =spontaneously저절로

beside oneself =wild or upset미친, 제정신이 아닌

absent oneself form =be absent from결석하다

present oneself at =be present at출석하다

avail oneself of~을 이용하다

accustom oneself to~ 익숙해지다

oversleep oneself늦잠자다

overeat oneself과식하다

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