공무원 빈출단어 B

ban : forbid, inhibit, prohibit, enjoin, outlaw, proscribe, disallow, interdict : 금지령, 금지하다

banish : expel, exile, deport : (국외로) 추방하다

bar : hinder, obstruct, deter, stop, impede : 막대기, 창살, 법정

barbarian : savage, primitive, barbaric, barbarous : 야만인, 미개인

bare : naked, nude, exposed : 발가벗은, 속이 빈

bargain : contract, trade, sell : 매매, 싼 물건

barren : sterile, infertile, unproductive : 불모의, 새끼를 낳지 못하는

barrier : bar, obstruction, barricade, obstacle : 장벽, 울타리

barter : trade, exchange : 교환하다, 교역하다

base : mean, degraded : 기초, 근거, 천한

beam : shine, gleam, glitter, radiate : 들보, 광선, 빛나다

bear : carry, transport, convey : 운반하다, 지탱하다, 견디다

bearing : manner, behavior, conduct : 태도, 관계

becoming : attractive, comely, suitable, appropriate : 어울리는, 적당한

beg : entreat, crave, implore, beseech, petition, request : 구걸하다, 부탁하다

behave : conduct : 행동하다

bend : curve, crook, bow : 구부리다, 굽히다

beneficial : helpful, profitable, advantageous : 유익한, 이로운

benevolent : kind, humane, tender, generous : 인자한

betray : be unfaithful to, be a traitor to : 배반하다

bewilder : confuse, perplex, puzzle : 당황하게 하다

bias* : prejudice : 성향, 경향

bid : command, order, direct : 명령하다

bind : band, bond, tie, fasten : 묶다, 둘러 감다

bite : gnaw, chew : 물다

bitter : harsh, acrid, biting : , 쓰라린, 지독한

blame : reproach, censure, condemn, disapprove : 나무라다, 비난하다

blast : explosion, outburst, burst : 한줄기 강한 바람, 폭풍

blaze : flame : 불꽃, 섬광

blemish : stain, defect, speck : , 결점

blend : mingle, mix : 섞다

blind : sightless : 눈이 먼

blink : wink, twinkle : 깜빡거리다, 깜작이다

block : obstacle, blocking, blockade : 받침대, 장애물

bloody : cruel, ruthless : 잔인한, 피가 나는

blow : shock, calamity, disaster : 강타, 타격

blunt : dull ; (Ant) sharp : 무딘, 둔한

boast : brag, swagger : 자랑하다

bold : courageous, daring, valiant : 대담한

bond : union : 연맹

bondage : slavery, confinement : 노예의

boom* : flourish, thrive, prosper : 쿵하고 울리다

bore : weary, tire : 구멍을 뚫다

bother : annoy, worry, trouble, harass, disturb : 걱정하다, 근심하다

bound : boundary, border, limit, precinct : 경계, 한계

boundary : edge : 경계()

bow : stoop, bend, yield, submit : 구부리다, 굽히다

brain : intellect : 두뇌, 지력

brave : courageous, gallant, dauntless, bold : 용감한

bravery : boldness, courage, daring : 용감

break : shatter, batter, destroy : 깨뜨리다, 부수다

breed : create, generate, raise, rear, nurture : 양육하다, 기르다

brief : short, transitory, transient, temporary : 잠시의, 짧은

bright : radiant, glowing, beaming, brilliant : 빛나는, 영리한

brisk : active, lively, energetic : 활기있는

broad : wide, extensive, vast, spacious : 폭이 넓은

brood : dwell on, ponder, meditate : 골똘히 생각하다

brook : stream : 시내, 개천

brutal : savage, cruel, inhuman, ruthless, barbarous : 야수적인, 잔인한

brute : beast, animal : 짐승

burden : load : 무거운짐

burst : explode, blow up : 폭발하다, 터지다

bury : entomb, hide : 파묻다, 매장하다

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