수능 기출단어 C

calm [조용한]

calmly [냉정하게]

campaign [사회적 운동, 유세]

candidate [지원자], 후보자

capacity [용량], 재능

capital [자본], 수도, 대문자

care [take care of, 돌보다], [걱정하다]

carelessness [부주의] careless [부주의한]

caring [봉사의, 돌보는]

carpet [양탄자를 깔다]

case [경우]

cash [현금]

cast [던지다]

category [범주]

cause [야기시키다], [이유]

ceasing [ceasing to 그만두다]

celebrate [축하하다] celebration [축하]

celebrity [명사], 명성.

cereal [곡물로 만든 식품]

ceremony [의식]

certain [어떤, 약간의], 확실한 certainly [확실히]

certainty [with certainty, 확실히], [확실, 확신]

chairman [의장, 회장]

challenge [도전]

characterization [성격나타내기, 특성묘사하기] character [성격]

charge [(책임,의무) 부과하다, 부담시키다, 청구하다]

charity [자선심]

charley[charley horse 근육경직]

chase [뒤쫓다]

cheerful [쾌활한, 명랑한]

chemistry [화학]

chiefly [주로]

childhood [어린 시절] childlike [어린애 같은-좋은 뜻}

childish [어른답지 못한-나쁜 뜻]

chimpanzee [침팬지]

citizen [시민]

civilized [문명화된] civil [the civil service 공무원]

claim [요구(청구)하다]

clap [손뼉을 치다]

class [], [수업], 계급, 등급

classical [고전적인] classics [고전]

clear [분명한] clearly [분명히]

clerk [점원], 서기

climate [기후]

close [닫음, 마감], [close to, 가까이에], [닫힌, 폐쇄된]

closely [밀접하게, 가까이, 면밀히]

clover [토끼풀]

coastal [해안의]

coding [코딩]

colony [식민지]

combine [결합하다]

comfortably [안락하게] comfort [안락]

comfortable [안락한]

command [명령]

comment [논평하다]

commercial [광고방송]

commitment [make a commitment to A, -에 전념하다]

commit [commit oneself to A, -에 전념하다]

common [일반적인], [in common, 공통으로], [일상의, common sense, 상식]

communication [의사소통]

community [공동사회]

companion [동료] company [동료], [일행], [회사]

compare [비교하다]

comparison [in comparison, 비교해서 보면]

compensation [배상, 보충]

compete [경쟁하다] competition [경쟁]

competence [능력]

competent [능력있는]

compile [자료를 수집하다]

complain [불평하다]

complete [완전한] [완성하다]

complex [복잡한]

compose [조립하다] [작문, 작곡하다]

comprehensive [포괄적인]

conceal [숨기다]

concern [관계, 걱정, 근심] [관계하다]

concert [연주회]

conclude [결론짓다]

condition [상태, 상황, 조건]

conduct [수행하다, 처리하다]

confident [확신하는, 자신 만만한]

conflict [갈등]

conform [따르게 하다]

congestion[교통의 혼잡]

connected [연속된, 관계가 있는]

conquer [정복하다]

consciously [의식적으로]

conscious [의식의]

consequence consequently [결과적으로]

consider [consider A B, AB라고 생각하다],

고려하다, 간주하다

considerable [상당한]

consist [consist of -로 구성되다]

constitute [구성하다]


consumer [소비자]

contact [접촉, 접촉하다]

container [그릇, 컨테이너]

contemporary [동시대(), 현대()]

contend [다투다], [주장하다=maintain]

content [be content with, -에 만족하다]

contest [경쟁], [경쟁하다]

continue [계속하다]

contrary [on the contary, 반대로], [반대의]

contrast [in contrast, 반대로, 대조적으로]

contribute [공헌하다] contribution [기부, 공헌, 기고]

controllable [통제되는] controller [제어, 통제]

convenience [편의, 편리] convenient [편리한]

conversation [대화]

conviction [확신] convince [확신시키다]

cooperation [협력, 협동]

copper [구리]

cost [비용] costly [값비싼]

cottage [시골집, 작은집, 단층집]

cotton [목화, , 무명]

counseling [상담] counsel [조언, 충고]

count [be important 중요하다], [간주되다], [셈에 넣다]

countless [셀 수없는]

courage [용기]

court [법정]

cradle [요람, 어린이 침대]

crash [, ], [추락], [충돌]

crayon [크레용]

crazy [미친]

create [창조하다] creation [창조, 창작]

creative [창조적인] creatively [창조적으로]

creativity [창조성, 독창성] creature [창조물, 생물]

crime [, 범죄]

crisis [위기]

criteria [criterion의 복수. 기준]

critical [비판적인] criticize [비판하다]

crop [수확물, 작물]

crosswalk [횡단보도] crowded [붐비는, 혼잡한]

crowd [군중], [붐비다]

crucial [결정적인, 중요한]

cultural [문화의] culture [문화]

cure [치료하다]

curious [호기심 있는]

currency [통화] current [지금의, 현재의]

curriculum [교과과정]

curve [굴곡]

cushion [(충격을) 흡수하다]

customer [고객] custom 관습

cut [cut back on, 줄이다]

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